Water resources management according to the circular principle
In the world, over the past decade, policies, programs and initiatives on water reuse, water saving and efficient use have been deployed and strengthened to solve the problem of water shortage, reduce pressure on water resources, and ensure water security in many countries.
Some countries (USA, Korea, Singapore, Israel...) are aiming for a "zero discharge" policy (reuse, complete recirculation), integrating wastewater reuse into water resource management planning or clearly regulating the application of water saving, efficient and reuse solutions in construction and production activities. Many countries (Australia, EU, USA, Singapore, Japan...) have regulated and implemented water efficiency labeling to promote water saving...
In Vietnam, rapid urbanization is one of the causes of increasing water pollution. Industrial and urban wastewater is the largest source of water pollution. However, centralized wastewater treatment systems can only treat about 71% of industrial wastewater and only about 12.5% of urban wastewater.
Although the idea of a circular economy model is very feasible and effective, its practical application in Vietnam is still limited. Given this reality, to ensure sustainable water supply and protect the water ecosystem, the development of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable water system management with multiple objectives: ensuring sustainable water supply, protecting the environment and the natural water cycle to meet socio-economic development goals and adapt to climate change is a necessary and urgent requirement today.
The draft Law on Water Resources (amended) has initially introduced the content of water resource circulation. Specifically, in Article 58, one of the measures for using water economically and effectively is to “improve and rationalize the process of water use; apply advanced techniques, technologies and equipment in water exploitation and use; increase the ability to use circulating water, reuse water; store rainwater for use”.
In particular, the Draft Law stipulates: “In areas where drought and water shortages frequently occur, organizations and individuals investing in production, business and service projects that exploit, use water and discharge wastewater into water sources must have solutions to circulate and reuse wastewater during the project design phase” or “In activities to protect, develop, store water and restore water sources that are given incentives and support, there must be the use of circulated water and reuse of wastewater; collection and use of rainwater; use of desalinated water from brackish water and saltwater; investment in water-saving technology equipment”.
More clearly defined regulations on water circulation and reuse
In recent days, the Draft Law on Water Resources (amended) has been hotly debated by National Assembly deputies in the National Assembly. Many enthusiastic and responsible opinions have been put forward, expressing their concern, concern and desire to build a complete Law, contributing to the completion of the legal system on water resources management, while bringing water to its rightful position and importance in socio-economic development. In particular, deputies are very interested in the circulation and reuse of water through a circular economy approach to manage and use water economically and effectively.
Commenting on the content of using water economically and effectively, delegate Thach Phuoc Binh (National Assembly Delegation of Tra Vinh province) said that the circulation of resources in general, and water resources in particular, is a policy that has been encouraged in the Law on Environmental Protection 2020. Therefore, transforming the water resources management model towards a circular direction, contributing to ensuring economic development and protecting natural resources, perfecting institutions and policies to promote the circulation and reuse of wastewater is also one of the solutions that need to be focused on to protect water security in Vietnam and encourage socialization of investment in wastewater treatment.
Therefore, delegate Thach Phuoc Binh suggested that the Drafting Committee consider adding provisions on water reuse in the Draft Law, in which Article 3, Chapter I needs to define concepts such as water reuse, water circulation, water improvement to gradually move towards considering used water as a water resource. At the same time, in Section 2, Chapter IV from Article 42 to Article 54 in the general provisions on exploitation and use of water resources, the delegate suggested adding the content of water circulation; similarly, for the regulations on the use of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial and other purposes, there should also be content encouraging the use of circulating water and having preferential mechanisms.
Agreeing with Delegate Thach Phuoc Binh, Delegate Nguyen Van Thi (National Assembly Delegation of Bac Giang Province) agreed that the Draft Law has added a provision that the State has an incentive mechanism for organizations and individuals to invest in research and application of advanced science and technology to manage, protect, exploit, and use water resources economically and effectively, and treat wastewater to meet standards and technical regulations for reuse and treatment of saltwater and brackish water into fresh water.
Delegate Nguyen Van Thi said that this is a very necessary policy and in the world, water reuse has been used quite commonly for many different purposes, from industry, agriculture and urban areas. In Vietnam, there may still be a lot of fresh water, however, the situation of decreasing water levels in some rivers, the depletion of groundwater, drought in the Central region, salinity in the Mekong Delta... are posing the need to use water more economically and effectively, using water in a circular economy approach, and diversifying water sources is extremely necessary.
Emphasizing solutions to manage and use water economically and effectively, some opinions of National Assembly deputies suggested that the drafting committee supplement the tasks of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in promulgating standards and regulations on water reuse; standards and regulations on water storage and water saving, and at the same time, supplement the tasks of the Ministry of Transport in promulgating standards and norms on drainage systems for traffic works.
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