Geographic tongue is a benign condition that is usually asymptomatic with a good prognosis. However, it can recur repeatedly.
Image of geographic tongue lesions - Illustration
Ms. Ha Thi Thu (38 years old) has a 5-year-old daughter and said that sometimes she sees strange spots on her daughter's tongue, red with white lines.
However, her daughter said she did not feel any discomfort unless she ate food that was too salty or spicy. Seeing that her daughter's condition was prolonged and often recurring, Ms. Thu took her daughter to the doctor and was diagnosed with geographic tongue.
What is geographic tongue?
Doctor Le Thi Yen - Dental Department, 108 Central Military Hospital said, map tongue is red areas of the tongue, often wrinkled and shaped like a geographical map.
Geographic tongue can occur in children and adults; women are more affected than men. Most cases are detected in childhood. Women who are pregnant or menstruating are also susceptible.
"Graphic tongue may look quite serious, but this disease is usually benign and not dangerous, not related to tongue cancer or infection. However, the patient's tongue is also more sensitive to certain foods such as spicy, hot, salty, sweet," said Dr. Yen.
The disease often occurs in cases of psoriasis, anemia, diabetes, allergies, etc. Some factors that increase the risk of the disease are people who are often under psychological pressure, stress and anxiety. Food can be a factor that triggers the disease, such as cheese, spicy foods.
There are cases where the whole family also suffers from geographic tongue, so it is very possible that this disease is also related to genetic factors. Some cases are related to hormones such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle.
To diagnose, rely on clinical symptoms to determine the disease such as the main manifestation is milk spots on the tongue that fall off temporarily, there is an amorphous red rash, no definite shape and does not resemble any shape.
At first a small spot then spreads, sometimes there are many spots on the tongue. The zigzag ridges make the surface of the tongue look like a map.
The lesion border is ash yellow or slightly raised white, with a clear boundary with the healthy tongue mucosa. When it spreads around, it forms relatively large areas of detachment. Geographic tongue can last for several months or longer and often recurs.
Besides, it is necessary to rule out other diseases such as psoriasis, tongue fungus, tongue cancer by some necessary tests.
Maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth and tongue regularly to keep your mouth clean - Illustration photo
What should patients pay attention to?
According to doctors, there is currently no specific treatment; treatment is usually based on symptoms such as using antibiotics to treat bacterial infections such as ulcers, burning pain, and pustules. Supplementing with B vitamins such as B1, B2, and B6; vitamin C; or some pain relievers to improve the burning pain symptoms for patients.
In addition, experts also note that patients should maintain oral hygiene by brushing their teeth and tongue regularly to keep their mouth clean; use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid irritating the tongue.
Identify and avoid foods that may cause discomfort, such as spicy, acidic, or rough-textured foods. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist, which can help reduce irritation.
Some people find relief from natural remedies like aloe vera or honey, but it's important to experiment to see if there's a reaction.
Stress can worsen symptoms, so consider stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Visit your dentist regularly to monitor your oral health and discuss any concerns with your dentist. If you experience severe discomfort or changes in symptoms, consult your doctor or dentist for a specific evaluation and advice.
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