Vietnam Singapore Urban and Industrial Park Development Joint Stock Company (VSIP) is the project investor.
According to the decision, Vietnam Singapore Urban and Industrial Park Development Joint Stock Company (VSIP) is the project investor.
The VSIP Lang Son Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment and Business Project (Huu Lung Industrial Park) is implemented in Ho Son and Hoa Thang communes, Huu Lung district, Lang Son province. The scale is 599.76 hectares, including: phase 1 with a land use scale of about 200 hectares; phase 2 with a land use scale of about 250 hectares and phase 3 with a land use scale of about 149.76 hectares.
The total investment capital of the project is 6,361,328,000,000 VND, equivalent to 274,668,739 USD. Of which, the investor's contributed capital is 954,199,200,000 VND, equivalent to 41,200,311 USD.
The project's operating period is 50 years from May 15, 2023.
The Deputy Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Planning and Investment to be responsible for checking the validity of project documents and the contents assigned to appraise the project investment policy according to the provisions of Clause 3 and Clause 4, Article 33, Point i, Clause 2, Article 69 of the Investment Law and relevant laws.
Relevant ministries and branches are responsible for the content of project investment policy appraisal within their functions and tasks as prescribed in Point d, Clause 3, Article 69 of the Investment Law and relevant laws.
Closely monitor the conversion of forest use to other purposes.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for the content of the appraisal, the completeness, accuracy and validity of the dossiers, documents, data and contents submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision on the policy of converting forest use purposes to other purposes to implement the project; presides over and coordinates with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant agencies to be responsible for directing and guiding the People's Committee of Lang Son province to implement; closely inspects and supervises the conversion of forest use purposes to other purposes to implement the project in accordance with Directive No. 13-CT/TW dated January 12, 2017 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in forest management, protection and development and regulations of forestry law.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment coordinates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to direct and guide the People's Committee of Lang Son province to closely inspect and supervise the conversion of forest use purposes to other purposes to implement the project in accordance with Directive No. 13-CT/TW dated January 12, 2017 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in forest management, protection and development and regulations of forestry law.
Implement projects in accordance with plans
The Deputy Prime Minister requested the People's Committee of Lang Son province to ensure the accuracy of information, reported data, and appraisal contents according to the provisions of law; require investors to implement projects in accordance with the planning approved by competent authorities; inspect and supervise investors to implement projects according to the general construction planning and zoning planning of Huu Lung industrial park approved by competent authorities; and rename Huu Lung industrial park to VSIP Lang Son industrial park according to the investor's proposal.
Organize inspection and determine that the investor implementing the project meets the conditions for land lease to implement the project at the time of land lease according to the provisions of the law on land; ensure the conditions for the State to allow the change of land use purpose during the land lease process, and allow the change of land use purpose to implement the project.
Direct relevant agencies to guide Investors to prepare documents and carry out procedures related to the conversion of rice-growing land use purposes according to the provisions of Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BTNMT dated June 30, 2021 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment amending and supplementing a number of articles of circulars detailing and guiding the implementation of the Land Law; have a plan to supplement land area or increase the efficiency of other rice-growing land to compensate for the converted rice-growing land according to the provisions of Article 134 of the Land Law; have a plan for alternative forestation approved by a competent state agency according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 19 of the Forestry Law.
In case there are types of land in the project area that are public assets, it must comply with the provisions of the law on management and use of public assets, ensuring no loss of state assets. Land allocation and lease for small, narrow plots of land managed by the State must meet the criteria prescribed in Clause 1, Article 14a of Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP (supplemented in Clause 11, Article 1 of Decree No. 148/2020/ND-CP).
At the same time, the People's Committee of Lang Son province directed relevant agencies to update the location and land use area of Huu Lung industrial park in the planning of Lang Son province for the period 2021-2030, the 5-year provincial land use plan 2021-2025 to submit to competent authorities for approval according to the provisions of the law on land and the law on planning, ensuring that the land quota of Huu Lung industrial park is within the industrial park land quota in the land use planning to 2030 and the land use plan to 2025 allocated by the Prime Minister to Lang Son province in Decision No. 326/QD-TTg dated March 9, 2022. The conversion of the purpose of using production forests and rice fields within the scope of the Project ensures compliance with the targets of production forests and rice fields in Lang Son province by 2025 and by 2030 as allocated in Decision No. 326/QD-TTg.
Regarding the conversion of forest use to other purposes to implement the project, the Deputy Prime Minister requested Lang Son province to fully absorb and implement the appraisal opinions of relevant ministries and branches on the conversion of forest use to other purposes to implement the project.
Take full responsibility for data, information, and project updates into the National Forestry Planning and Lang Son Provincial Planning to ensure consistency and consistency according to regulations; review and adjust the forest area of the project decided by the Prime Minister to be removed from the Forestry Planning and integrated into the Lang Son Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050; be responsible for checking the process of adjusting the planning and land use plan in accordance with the provisions of the law on land, on that basis, organize the implementation of the project in accordance with the provisions of the law on land and relevant legal provisions; check and review the entire project and the current status of the forest, ensuring consistency in data and location between the records and the field; Be fully responsible before the law and the Prime Minister for information on the origin of forest formation (natural forest, planted forest), data and records on planning of 3 types of forests for the area of each type of forest (protection forest, production forest), the completeness, accuracy and validity of records, documents, data and reports explaining the content of the proposal to change the purpose of forest use to another purpose to implement the project and in organizing the implementation of the project in the correct location and area.
Lang Son Provincial People's Committee directs competent agencies and investors to strictly approve and implement alternative forest planting plans for areas with changed forest use purposes according to the provisions of the law on forestry; have plans for compensation and site clearance, ensuring transparency; strictly manage forest areas in the project implementation area until competent state agencies decide to change forest use purposes; only change forest use purposes when fully meeting the conditions specified in Articles 19 and 23 of the Forestry Law and relevant legal provisions; strictly handle violations...
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