Faced with the complicated developments of animal rabies and avian influenza, the People's Committee of Nghe An province issued Directive 06/CT-UBND, directing focused prevention measures.
Improve vaccination rates
Currently, avian influenza and dog rabies are developing complicatedly nationwide, especially rabies with an increasing trend. From January 1 to February 20, 2024 alone, there were 17 animal rabies outbreaks in 12 provinces and cities nationwide and 18 human deaths (an increase of 9 cases compared to the same period in 2023), the number of people bitten by animals requiring rabies preventive treatment reached nearly 70,000 people.
Nghe An has a large livestock population of more than 34 million poultry and nearly 40,000 dogs. In 2023, there were 4 outbreaks of avian influenza and 11 outbreaks of rabies, killing 7 people. In February 2024 alone, there were 2 outbreaks of rabies in Quy Chau district and Thai Hoa town.
To proactively prevent rabies and avian influenza effectively, minimizing human deaths, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Chairmen of the People's Committees of districts, cities and towns; Directors of departments, heads of relevant provincial-level sectors to promptly implement directives and official dispatches of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on strictly implementing measures to prevent rabies in animals and avian influenza.
People's Committees of districts, cities and towns: Urgently deploy solutions to prevent and control rabies and avian influenza according to approved plans, prioritizing the allocation of resources and funding for implementation. Direct units to do a good job of monitoring and early detection of suspected cases; promptly warn, share information and coordinate investigation and thoroughly handle outbreaks when they first arise.
Establish inspection teams to guide disease prevention, livestock management, vaccination; check the origin and veterinary hygiene conditions at facilities for gathering, trading, processing, consuming, and transporting poultry and poultry products; strictly handle violations. At the same time, fully arrange commune veterinary positions and provide training for grassroots veterinary teams.

Deploying the construction of disease-safe facilities and zones. In the immediate future, successfully build a rabies-safe zone at the district level in Vinh city; at the commune level in Do Luong, Yen Thanh, Thanh Chuong districts; build avian influenza-safe zones in Nghi Loc, Dien Chau districts... Organize propaganda to raise awareness in disease prevention and control.
Along with that, direct the People's Committees at the commune level to strengthen the management of livestock; guide and require household owners to declare and keep dogs and cats; vaccinate livestock, strictly handle cases of non-compliance with regulations. For poultry, organize vaccination against avian influenza to reach over 80% of the total flock.
Instruct livestock farmers to strengthen the application of biosafety measures, proactively prevent diseases, and encourage people not to use poultry of unknown origin, poultry and poultry meat that have not been quarantined or slaughtered without control...
Localities with epidemics must concentrate all resources to completely handle the epidemic, not allowing it to spread, prolong and cause new outbreaks. Any locality that is subjective, negligent, or not resolute in directing the implementation of prevention and control measures, allowing the epidemic to occur and spread, and people to die from rabies dog bites or from avian influenza virus infection when livestock have not been vaccinated, the Chairman of the District People's Committee will be criticized before the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.
Timely and thoroughly handle the epidemic
The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also assigned the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to establish an inspection team, guide and urge the work of disease prevention and control; and build safe livestock facilities and areas.
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Health coordinate and share information to monitor epidemics and conduct epidemiological investigations to promptly and thoroughly handle epidemics.
The Department of Information and Communications directed to increase the time for propaganda on disease prevention and control, legal regulations on livestock farming activities; propagate people in border areas not to participate in or assist in the transportation and trading of animals and animal products illegally imported into the province.
The provincial police directed coordination, increased inspection, arrest and strict handling of cases of illegal trading, transportation, consumption, unknown origin, no quarantine certificate, and quarantine evasion.
Relevant provincial departments and branches, based on their functions and tasks, coordinate to effectively implement disease prevention measures.
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