Speaking here, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue assessed FPT as one of the pioneering enterprises in investing in Indonesia. Having invested in Indonesia for only 5 years, FPT Indonesia has achieved good revenue and has a business network here.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the meeting.

Emphasizing that digital transformation involves building an ecosystem for digital transformation, hard infrastructure, soft infrastructure, human resources; related to digital trust, national sovereignty in cyberspace, cross-border transactions, cybersecurity, etc., the National Assembly Chairman said that it is necessary to proactively coordinate to participate in a common "playing field", limiting unnecessary risks. Vietnam also sets a target that by 2025, our digital economy will reach 25% of GDP, and by 2030, it will reach 30% of GDP. "This is a huge challenge and we cannot go it alone," affirmed National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

Working scene.

This is also the reason why the Vietnamese National Assembly decided to host and coordinate with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) to organize the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians with the theme "The role of youth in promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through digital transformation and innovation". The National Assembly Chairman asked FPT to participate in the exhibition on our country's achievements in the field of digital transformation and innovation within the framework of the conference.

According to the National Assembly Chairman, Indonesia is a country with many major regional initiatives, for example, they are proposing to establish a QR Code center for the entire ASEAN region. The National Assembly Chairman hopes that FPT will study and proactively participate; at the same time, focus on promoting its role as a role model, a focal point, and actively participating in promoting and connecting businesses of the two countries to invest in each other's markets.

The National Assembly Chairman said that the National Assembly and the Government have issued many legal documents, perfected the legal framework for digital transformation, information technology, and many related legal documents, such as the issue of electronic visas, etc. This will create more favorable conditions for technology enterprises to develop. The National Assembly Chairman hopes that technology enterprises in general, and FPT in particular, will continue to achieve many new successes, contributing to promoting the growth of bilateral trade turnover between Vietnam and Indonesia.

News and photos: VICTORY (from Jakarta, Indonesia)

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