One of the issues that received attention and discussion from the National Assembly Standing Committee on the draft Law on Housing (amended) is the housing development policy to serve the needs of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and officers and soldiers of the armed forces.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue proposed adding cases of land rent exemption for housing projects for armed forces.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong said that housing should be classified as suggested by Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue at the discussion session on the draft Land Law (amended) on the morning of August 25.

Specifically, the first type is commercial housing for all types of subjects, anyone can buy it. The second type is low-cost commercial housing for cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces and social subjects who are not eligible to buy normal commercial housing. Low-cost commercial housing has a lower price than normal commercial housing because it has been supported by the State through not collecting land use fees, land rent and many other support policies. The third type is social housing according to the State's priority policy.

In addition, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong explained that officers and soldiers of the armed forces currently have the right to buy, rent, or lease-purchase social housing. However, because the social housing policy does not meet the needs of the armed forces, the Army and the Police are allowed to transfer part of the national defense and security land to meet the housing needs of the armed forces, ensuring the combat readiness requirements of the armed forces.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong speaks.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong also proposed stricter regulations on public housing. Officials, civil servants, public employees, and members of the armed forces in one locality who are transferred to another locality are allowed to rent public housing. Later, when they no longer work in that locality or retire, the tenant must return the public housing to avoid the situation where one person enjoys multiple housing policies in different places.

Agreeing with Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong, Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue emphasized that the draft Law on Housing (amended) only takes into account subjects in industrial zones in the social housing policy. Meanwhile, in reality, there are many types of housing for many different groups of subjects.

Specifically, it is a specialized type of housing built by the armed forces themselves for officers, soldiers, civil servants, and public employees in the force when social housing cannot meet the demand. Along with that, officers, civil servants, and public employees also have the need to buy housing at a suitable price, so there should be a general policy to develop housing to meet the needs of this group of people.

Session view.

The draft Law on Housing (amended) currently does not have any provisions on low-cost commercial housing because the State exempts land rent and land use conversion fees for sale to officials, civil servants, public employees, and members of the armed forces. Therefore, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue proposed to study and supplement this provision for implementation.

Previously, reporting on a number of issues of explanation, acceptance and revision of the draft Law on Housing (amended), Chairman of the Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung said that for social housing projects and housing for the people's armed forces, the draft Law on Housing (amended) has provisions according to the implementation guidance of the Land Law.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai moderated the discussion.

Regarding cases of exemption from land use fees and land rent, the Standing Committee of the Law Committee proposed to add to Article 157 of the draft Law on Land (amended) the case of exemption from land use fees for investors of projects to build workers' accommodation. At the same time, it is proposed to clearly stipulate in the draft Law on Land (amended) the cases of housing projects that are exempted from land use fees and land rent (not generally stipulating exemption or reduction) as in the draft Law on Housing (amended) or refer to the Law on Housing to avoid inconsistent and inconsistent understanding and application of the law.

Discussion on the explanation, acceptance and revision of the draft Law on Housing (amended) is the final working content of the National Assembly Standing Committee at the 25th Session.


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