On the morning of March 1, in Hanoi, the Border Guard Command solemnly held a ceremony to receive the Second Class Military Exploit Order, commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Border Guard's Traditional Day (March 3, 1959 - March 3, 2024), and the 35th anniversary of the People's Border Guard Day (March 3, 1989 - March 3, 2024). President Vo Van Thuong attended and delivered a speech at the ceremony.
Speaking at the ceremony, the President emphasized that this is an opportunity to once again affirm the great contributions of generations of officers and soldiers of the Border Guard force and the great role of the People in protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security; promoting the combined strength of the entire nation for the cause of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
On behalf of the Party and State leaders, President Vo Van Thuong presented the Second Class Military Exploit Order and sent his best wishes to generations of Border Guard forces. President Vo Van Thuong highly appreciated the outstanding achievements and glorious feats of arms of generations of Border Guard officers and soldiers over 65 years of building, fighting and growing up. Border Guards have always been absolutely loyal to the Party, devoted to the people, resourceful, brave, overcoming all difficulties and hardships, excellently completing assigned tasks, both during the period of national liberation and reunification; during the two wars to protect the Southwestern and Northern borders and during the period of national renovation.
President Vo Van Thuong reviews the Border Guard honor guard.
The Border Guard has proactively researched and advised the Party and State on many policies and measures to protect territorial sovereignty and border security. It has focused on building a regular, elite, and gradually modern Border Guard force; proactively developing combat plans; stepping up training and combat readiness; promptly handling situations; managing and protecting the border marker system well, maintaining social order and safety; and fighting to prevent sabotage by hostile forces.
The Border Guard has actively and proactively fought successfully many projects and cases related to drugs, human trafficking, weapons, explosives, smuggling and trade fraud; resolved complicated cases related to security and order in border areas... Border Guard foreign affairs have been promoted, contributing to fostering the solidarity and friendship between our Army in general, the Border Guard in particular, and the border management and protection forces of neighboring countries and the authorities and people on both sides of the border.
Performing the function of a working army, the Border Guard has proactively coordinated with local Party committees and authorities to build and consolidate political bases in communes, wards and towns in border, coastal and island areas; cared for and developed a contingent of cadres; promoted mass mobilization work; actively participated in economic, cultural and social development, hunger eradication and poverty reduction in border areas; proactively participated in search, rescue, disaster relief, and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, stabilizing people's lives.
The President visited the exhibition of traditional photos of the Border Guard.
The President said: "With responsibility and noble heart, the Border Guard has created many good programs, movements, models and ways of doing things, such as: Helping children go to school - Adopted children of Border Guard stations; Green-uniformed teachers; Green-uniformed doctors; Border guards strengthen communes; Bright spots of border culture; Shelter for the poor and soldiers in border and island areas; Border spring warms the hearts of the villagers, etc. Each Border Guard officer and soldier always determines that "The station is home, the border is homeland, ethnic people are blood brothers", always stick to the area, close to the people, understand the people, eat, live, work together, speak the ethnic language together, actively help and support the people to build a new life, and are trusted and highly appreciated by the Party committees, authorities and people of the border. Each beautiful action, good work of the Border Guard soldiers in remote border, sea and island areas has contributed to increasing the people's trust in the Party, State and regime, making brighter than the image of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the new era."
The President stated that to firmly manage and protect the national border, there is not only the role of specialized forces, but also the great strength of the people. Therefore, our Party and State decided to take March 3 every year as the National Border Guard Day: "Over the past 35 years, the National Border Guard Day has truly become a festival for the whole people towards the border and islands, creating a broad political movement, with many exciting and meaningful activities, so that each person can promote patriotism, raise vigilance, identify the responsibility of each person in protecting the Fatherland, building a solid national border; further strengthen the solidarity, coordination in combat and mutual assistance between the Border Guard with the People and other forces; constantly consolidate and develop solidarity and friendship between the people on both sides of the border; affirm the role of the Border Guard in participating in performing local tasks in the stationed area.
The success of the National Border Defense Day once again affirms that this is a correct and wise policy of the Party, in line with the people's wishes, in line with the country's reality, mobilizing the combined strength of the entire people and the entire political system to participate in building, managing, protecting border security, national territorial sovereignty, building a border of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation and development."
Pointing out the advantages and challenges for the task of protecting the Fatherland in general, managing and protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security in particular, President Vo Van Thuong stated that our Party affirms: "Protecting the national border is an important and regular task of the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army, the entire political system and the entire country."
President Vo Van Thuong and delegates salute the flag.
In that spirit, the President requested the Border Guard, all levels and sectors, especially the border localities, to continue to study, thoroughly grasp and well implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws on national defense, management and protection of national borders in the new situation; and international treaties related to national borders. Along with that, it is necessary to continue to perfect the mechanisms, policies and legal systems on national borders and the Border Guard. Grasp and accurately forecast the situation, especially the peripheral situation related to border protection, proactively have appropriate and correct countermeasures and measures, not to be passive or surprised in any situation; Step up propaganda and education work, raise awareness and responsibility, create unity in ideology and action among the entire Party, people and army for the task of protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security, especially in border areas, seas and islands.
Along with that, it is necessary to promote and effectively organize the National Border Defense Day nationwide, creating a vibrant movement with practical activities to care for Border Guards and ethnic minorities in border areas, seas and islands, mobilizing the strength of the entire political system and the entire population to participate in protecting the national border, building a strong national border defense.
President Vo Van Thuong and delegates attending the ceremony.
The President also requested to improve the quality of training and education in conjunction with combat and work practices; proactively apply achievements of science and technology in managing and protecting national borders. Strictly maintain combat readiness, manage and firmly protect border security, national sovereignty and territory, while creating favorable conditions for exchanges, cooperation and socio-economic development of the country in accordance with the Party and State's international integration policy. Pay attention to investing in building and perfecting the system of border posts, border stations, border gates, and combat works that are interconnected, closed, solid and sturdy, ensuring sufficient capacity to manage and protect national borders and defend in all situations.
President Vo Van Thuong awarded the Second Class Military Exploit Order to the Border Guard.
Promoting the strength of national solidarity in building a strong all-people border defense and a strong all-people border defense posture; building a solid defense area, building a widespread border protection force, in which the people are the main subject, the armed forces are the core, the Border Guard is a specialized, direct force. Promoting the role of the working army, the Border Guard continues to participate in building and consolidating the grassroots political system, developing the economy, culture, society, eliminating hunger and reducing poverty... in border and island areas.
The Border Guard and relevant agencies need to carry out defense diplomacy, border diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy flexibly, creatively, and effectively; promote exchanges and twinning activities between border management and protection forces and people on both sides of the border, and expand border cooperation with countries in the region. Implement "both cooperation and struggle", resolutely, persistently, cleverly, and flexibly in resolving issues related to territorial sovereignty, ensuring a peaceful environment, maintaining national sovereignty, facilitating economic, cultural, and social development, and strengthening national defense and security.
President Vo Van Thuong took a photo with leaders of the Ministry of National Defense, the Border Guard Command and delegates.
Focus on building a Border Guard Party organization that is strong in politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres; strengthen the work of building and rectifying the Party and the political system, improve the quality of cadres and party members. Build the Border Guard in the direction of being lean, compact, strong, effective, efficient, highly combat-ready, meeting the requirements of border work tasks and building the Army in the new situation. Improve the quality of building a comprehensively strong unit "Exemplary, typical". Focus on improving the quality and qualifications of soldiers, good at military, having a firm grasp of the law, proficient in professional skills, proficient in foreign languages, especially languages of neighboring countries, languages of ethnic minorities, understanding the customs and practices of people in border areas... to better meet the requirements and tasks of managing and protecting the national border in the new situation.
According to vov.vn
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