President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 – September 2, 1969), birth name Nguyen Sinh Cung, hometown in Nam Dan, Nghe An.
Born and raised in a country under colonial oppression, hero Nguyen Sinh Cung soon realized the spirit of patriotism.
On June 5, 1911, Nguyen Sinh Cung left Nha Rong port (Saigon) to find a way to save the country. With more than 30 years of working abroad, President Ho Chi Minh traveled across 4 continents, 3 oceans, set foot in nearly 30 countries, and did dozens of different jobs. In conditions of secret revolutionary activities, Uncle Ho had to change his name many times.
According to historical documents at the Ho Chi Minh Museum, Uncle Ho had a total of 152 names, pen names, and aliases. In addition to the name Ho Chi Minh (used since 1942), Uncle Ho also had many other names and aliases such as Paul Tat Thanh (1912); Nguyen Ai Quoc (1919), Van Ba (when working as a kitchen assistant on a ship, 1911), Ly Thuy (when in Guangzhou, 1924), Ho Quang (1938), Vuong (Wang) (1925 - 1940), Tong Van So (1931), Tran (1940, when in China), Chin (when in Thailand, 1928).
While in Viet Bac, Uncle Ho often used the aliases Thu, Thu Son and was called Ong Ke, Gia Thu by the locals. Indonesian President Sukarno called him “Bung Ho” (Elder Brother Ho).
Uncle Ho also used more than 50 pen names when writing books and newspapers: Nguyen Ai Quoc, Nguyen, Nguyen AQ, Ng AQ, Ng. Ai Quoc, NAQ, N., Wang, NK, AN, PC Lin, PC Line (1938, China), Line (1938, China), QT, Q.TH, Le Quyet Thang (1948), AG, XYZ (1947), Le Nhan... and some nicknames that no one knows.
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