(CLO) That is one of the provisions in Decree No. 147/2024/ND-CP recently issued by the Government. This Decree takes effect from December 25, 2024.
Accordingly, account owners, content channel owners, community page owners, community group administrators on social networks are not allowed to name their accounts, pages, channels, or groups similar to or identical to the names of press agencies or have words (in Vietnamese or equivalent foreign languages) that can be confused with press agencies or press activities such as: Newspaper, radio, magazine, news, news, radio, television, media, news agency, news agency...;
Be responsible for managing the content posted on your account, community page, community group or content channel; Be responsible for preventing and removing information that violates the law, information that affects the legitimate rights and interests of other organizations and individuals, information that affects children posted on your account, community page, community group or content channel (including comments from service users) no later than 24 hours from the time of request by phone, in writing or via electronic means from the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information), the Ministry of Public Security (Department of Cyber Security and Prevention of High-Tech Crime), the local Department of Information and Communications and competent authorities according to specialized laws or no later than 48 hours for well-founded complaints from service users;
Do not use social networks to produce content in the form of reports, investigations, or press interviews.
In addition, the Decree stipulates that domestic agencies, organizations and enterprises providing social networking services are responsible for:
Temporarily block accounts, community pages, community groups, and content channels that regularly post illegal content (within 30 days, there are at least 5 times providing illegal content or within 90 days, there are at least 10 times providing illegal content that the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Public Security request to block and remove within 24 hours at the latest upon request by phone, in writing or via electronic means from the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information), the Ministry of Public Security (Department of Cyber Security and Prevention of High-Tech Crimes), local Departments of Information and Communications and competent authorities according to specialized laws or when detecting violations themselves.
Temporary lock period from 7 days to 30 days, depending on the severity and number of violations.
Permanently block social network accounts, community pages, community groups, and content channels that post content that violates national security, or accounts, community pages, community groups, and content channels that have been temporarily blocked 3 times or more upon request by phone, in writing, or via electronic means from the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television, and Electronic Information), the Ministry of Public Security (Department of Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention and Control), local Departments of Information and Communications, and competent authorities according to specialized laws.
In case the agency, organization or enterprise providing social network services fails to handle illegal content or services, or fails to temporarily or permanently block the activities of illegal accounts upon request, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall suspend the provision of social network services or revoke the License/Certificate of notification of provision of social network services granted to the agency, organization or enterprise as prescribed in Article 33 of this Decree.
Source: https://www.congluan.vn/chu-tai-khoan-mang-xa-hoi-khong-duoc-dat-ten-giong-hoac-trung-voi-ten-co-quan-bao-chi-post322161.html
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