Last week, the final first semester Literature test of many middle and high schools in Ho Chi Minh City caused controversy on social networking forums due to its length and content not being suitable for the students' age.
Immediately afterwards, the illustrative exam for the 2025 high school graduation exam announced by the Ministry of Education and Training partly resolved this "bottleneck" by stipulating that the total length of the exam material should not exceed 1,300 words.
According to Mr. Truong Minh Duc, a teacher at Le Quy Don High School (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City), in addition to the length requirement, the test materials must have topics that are appropriate for the students' ages, have an ideological and educational orientation, and avoid documents with sensitive and contradictory content. In addition, to meet the requirements of the test according to the orientation of the new general education program, the test materials must help students develop their thinking ability, reading comprehension, reasoning and text presentation skills.
From another perspective, according to Ms. Le Thi Viet Ha, Head of the Literature Department at Dao Son Tay High School (Thu Duc City), parents and students often worry about the exam questions being written outside of the textbook because students have to understand and write their feelings about a literary work for the first time in a short period of time. However, in reality, students have become familiar with this exam format since the public 10th grade entrance exam, along with periodic tests during the 3 years of high school.
Therefore, with the format of the high school graduation exam according to the new program, in the reading comprehension question, students need to clearly understand the characteristics of the genre, have the skills to study the work according to the characteristics of the genre, thereby finding the "key" to solving the requirements of the exam. Similarly, with the social argumentation question, students have been trained in test-taking skills since grade 10. The literary argumentation question in particular is the part that most clearly develops students' ability to read, understand and appreciate literary works.
“The first thing that students and teachers need to change is confidence and proactively innovate their thinking and approach to the subject. If teachers and students do not change and develop their own abilities, they will not be able to adapt to change,” Ms. Viet Ha said.
It can be seen that the changes in the exam format according to the new general education program have completely ended the situation of "learning by rote" and taking exams based on model texts that have existed for decades in the education sector. In other words, the exam not only contributes to changing the way literature is taught and learned in general schools but also expands reading skills and develops students' ability to solve practical problems. This is a necessary change to help comprehensively develop the learners' abilities and qualities, avoiding the situation of "knowing everything but not knowing what to do" of students.
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