Social GĐXH - People with high emotional quotient (EQ) always understand that every social relationship, big or small, is worth cherishing. But there are still types of people that they are 'afraid' to communicate with.
Every day, we have to interact with many different types of people, maintain many different relationships from colleagues, friends...
There are friends who make us feel more optimistic and give us positive energy; but there are types of people who, when we associate with them, only make our lives more difficult and make us doubt ourselves.
Here are 15 types of people that high EQ people don't want to associate with.
1. People who lack self-awareness, do not recognize or acknowledge their emotions and behaviors can have a negative impact on others.
People who lack self-awareness can have a negative impact on others. Illustration photo
2. People who only make empty promises: Whether a person is trustworthy or not is not determined by their promises but by their actions. There are many people like that in life, when you need their help, they make promises but there is no response.
3. Opinionated people: It is good to have opinions and views. But sometimes some people act as if their opinions are the most important thing. These people often go beyond the boundaries, giving advice and suggestions even when no one asked for them.
4. People with aggressive or rude personalities often show negative attitudes and hurt others without realizing it.
5. Two-faced people: There is a type of person who always shows support and friendliness to your face but criticizes and badmouths you everywhere. Remember, friends can joke around but it is just for fun, while "two-faced" people do it to lower your reputation.
6. Gossipers: Some people just can’t seem to live without gossiping about others. Gossiping will only bring negativity and negatively affect your perception of the people around you.
7. People who do not listen, do not care or do not pay attention to the feelings and opinions of others, hindering the process of communication and mutual understanding.
8. Stubborn and inflexible people who do not accept change and have difficulty adapting to new situations or diverse opinions.
9. Show-offs: There are people who are all show-offs but empty inside. People who show off often find it hard to be wholehearted with their own family, let alone their friends.
10. People who like to talk about themselves: When talking to these people, they only like to talk about themselves and want to be the center of the conversation. These people are not interested in the other person and the things you share. You are just a background for their life.
11. People who lack empathy, cannot understand and care about other people's feelings, making it difficult to build deep relationships.
Emotionally unstable people: Emotionally unstable people also never admit when they are wrong. Illustration photo
12. Emotionally unstable people: Emotionally unstable people also never admit when they are wrong. This is not only a sign of someone who cannot control their emotions, but also a sign of a bad friendship.
13. People who complain all the time: Being friends with people who complain all the time will only make you more unhappy because they have the "superpower" of draining energy from others. They are often easily manipulated, following negative emotions and transmitting it to others. If you often feel depressed when talking to someone, it is best to stay away from them.
14. Dishonest people create an environment of distrust and insecurity, which undermines the ability to build trust and honesty in relationships.
15. "Drama Queen": When talking to real "drama queens", the other person will have to restrain themselves, be careful with their words so as not to hurt them. Not to mention, when you are dragged into those long-term tragedies, you will feel the need to do something to help them solve the problem. If you can't help, you will blame yourself for being useless.
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