There is still a state of pushing, avoiding, and fearing responsibility.
On the morning of November 29, with 459 delegates participating in the vote in favor (accounting for 92.91%), the National Assembly officially passed a Resolution on thematic supervision of "the implementation of the National Assembly's Resolutions on the National Target Programs on new rural construction for the 2021-2025 period, sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period, and socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period".
Accordingly, the Resolution clearly stated that the implementation of the National Target Programs has inherited and promoted the achievements in new rural construction, poverty reduction and policies for ethnic minorities of the previous period; up to now, the organization and implementation of the Programs has achieved certain results, closely following the goals, principles, tasks and requirements for innovation in management mechanisms and policies in the Resolutions of the National Assembly;
Attention has been paid to and investment has been made in economic, cultural, social and environmental infrastructure, contributing to changing the face of rural, mountainous and ethnic minority areas; social policy credit has been effective; and people's lives have continued to improve.
Delegates at the meeting.
Besides the achieved results, the National Assembly assessed that the implementation of the National Target Programs still has some shortcomings and limitations.
The issuance of legal documents guiding the implementation of National Target Programs under the authority of the Government, Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and localities is still slow, the number of issued documents is large, some contents are unclear and difficult to implement; the resolution of some recommendations and problems is not timely and effective.
The coordination mechanism of the Steering Committee of the National Target Program at all levels is not tight; the organizational model and support apparatus at the local level are not really effective. Some specific mechanisms are slow to be issued or do not fully specify specific factors, leading to difficulties in implementing the National Target Programs.
Determining needs, planning, and allocating capital are not close to reality in many localities. Medium-term capital allocation and allocation of central budget capital in 2022 are slow, especially allocation of career capital is still inadequate, and there is no consistency among national target programs.
The progress of implementation and capital disbursement is very slow, having to transfer sources, prolonging, especially career capital will affect the ability to complete the goals and targets of the National Target Programs by 2025.
The national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas is slow to be implemented and still confusing; some policies and projects are not close to reality, so they are not effective, and the people's lives are slow to improve.
There is still a state of division, dispersion, and fragmentation in the organization of the implementation of National Target Programs; the implementation of the integration, decentralization, delegation of power, and specific mechanisms according to the Party and State's policies has not really been effective; attracting socialized resources is still limited.
The objective causes of the shortcomings and limitations are the complicated developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, with prolonged consequences; natural disasters, epidemics, and climate change have affected the direction and organization of the implementation of national target programs.
The subjective reasons are that the Programs are still scattered, fragmented, and divided, without a clear mechanism for decentralization and delegation of authority; there is no specific mechanism to handle difficult, sensitive issues; the coordination of some ministries, branches, and localities is not tight; the capacity and qualifications of a number of cadres and civil servants are still limited; there is still a situation of pushing, avoiding, and fearing responsibility, which has slowed down the implementation progress and reduced the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Target Programs...
Disbursement extended to 2024
The Resolution also outlines key tasks and solutions, such as allowing the 2022 State budget capital (including 2021 capital transferred to 2022) that has not been fully disbursed in 2023 to be extended to 2024 so that ministries, central and local agencies can continue to implement it.
The National Assembly assigned the Government to urgently develop a draft resolution on a number of specific mechanisms and policies to remove difficulties and obstacles and accelerate the implementation of national target programs to submit to the National Assembly for consideration and decision at the nearest session according to shortened procedures.
In particular, there is a pilot mechanism to decentralize to the district level the decision on the list, structure, allocation and use of state budget capital, and to handle a number of local recommendations related to the implementation of the State Audit's audit conclusions on the recovery of funds and the refund of the state budget in the implementation of national target programs.
The Government and the Prime Minister directed ministries, branches and localities to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the proposals and recommendations, and overcome the shortcomings and limitations mentioned in the report of the monitoring delegation.
At the same time, urgently review, amend, supplement or issue new regulations, mechanisms and policies on missing or inappropriate content, especially regulations on decentralization, delegation of authority, authorization, reduction of administrative procedures... to promptly remove difficulties and obstacles, effectively implement National Target Programs.
Focus on effectively resolving difficulties, problems and concerns of people regarding residential land, housing, production land, and domestic water; planning and stabilizing the population in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; improving the effectiveness of vocational training in poor districts, ethnic minority and mountainous areas; resolving the shortcomings of Decision 861 for communes recognized as meeting new rural standards.
The National Assembly deputies voted to pass the Resolution.
In addition, continue to innovate the implementation of social policy credit, increase social policy credit capital to implement national target programs; have strong enough mechanisms and policies to attract businesses and people to invest in production and business in areas with especially difficult socio-economic conditions.
Continue to evaluate the Steering Committee model, the agencies assisting the Steering Committee at all levels, clarify the roles, responsibilities and tasks of the Steering Committee's standing agency, the Program's owner agency, heads of relevant ministries, branches, localities and other organizations regarding existing shortcomings and limitations due to subjectivity, review and handle according to regulations.
For local authorities, the People's Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee of the province or centrally-run city are fully responsible for the implementation, progress and effectiveness of the National Target Programs in the locality.
Take drastic measures to promote the disbursement of allocated central and local capital sources; strengthen the integration mechanism between national target programs as well as with other programs and projects; have a mechanism to mobilize other legal resources to promote the effective implementation of the programs...
Every year, the Government reports on the implementation results of this Resolution in the report on the implementation results of the National Target Programs at the year-end session of the National Assembly, the National Assembly requests .
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