On February 27, Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc signed Document No. 223/TTg-DMDN on the transfer of the right to represent the ownership of state capital at MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation from the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises to the Ministry of Public Security.
Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc assigned the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises and the Ministry of Public Security to transfer the right to represent the ownership of state capital at MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 23/2022/ND-CP dated April 5, 2022 of the Government and relevant legal provisions, instructions of the Politburo, the Government Steering Committee on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW in Documents No. 06/CV-BCĐTKNQ18 dated January 12, 2025 and 35/CV-BCĐTKNQ18 dated January 23, 2025, ensuring more effective management of state capital and preventing corruption, negativity, waste, group interests, and violations of the law.
Previously, MobiFone was under the management of the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises. However, according to the Government's plan to reorganize and streamline the organization, this committee ceased its operations and transferred the rights and responsibilities of representing the State ownership of 18 corporations and general companies to the Ministry of Finance for management.
As for MobiFone, in the report to the Government Steering Committee on the plan to reorganize and streamline the apparatus in early January, the Ministry of Home Affairs proposed transferring this corporation to the Ministry of Public Security for management. The Party organization of this corporation was also transferred to be directly under the Central Public Security Party Committee.
TB (summary)Source: https://baohaiduong.vn/chinh-thuc-chuyen-giao-mobifone-ve-bo-cong-an-406213.html
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