Over the past 10 years (from 2013 to 2023), the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources have always focused on disseminating the work of preventing and combating the harmful effects of tobacco to each cadre and party member and building an action program to prevent and combat the harmful effects of tobacco, thereby enhancing the sense of responsibility of cadres, civil servants and employees.
Reporter: Sir, what activities has the Institute of Geological Sciences and Mineral Resources implemented to effectively implement the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms in recent times?
Mr. Trinh Hai Son: The Institute has deployed the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms to all cadres, civil servants and employees; the harmful effects of smoking, passive smoking, the benefits of a smoke-free environment, establishing an effective smoke-free environment model, the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms and related documents.
During the implementation of the Tobacco Harm Prevention Program in the units, the content of tobacco harm prevention propaganda has been included in the unit's internal regulations and rules, and the Trade Union's regulations; comrades who still smoke have been encouraged to have a plan to reduce and eventually quit smoking; everyone has strictly followed the campaign against smoking in the workplace.
The establishment of a smoke-free environment in the workplace is of great concern to agencies and units. In the lobby of the Institute, a sign is hung “For the health of the community, we are determined to build a smoke-free living and working environment”. In departments and units, the propaganda against the harmful effects of tobacco takes place in many activities such as: propaganda against the harmful effects of tobacco at meetings for officials, civil servants, and workers, hanging no-smoking signs and banners about the harmful effects of tobacco in the workplace, signing a commitment not to smoke, organizing inspections and monitoring of smoking in places where smoking is prohibited, etc.
Every year, the Institute also educates its staff about the harmful effects of tobacco and passive smoking on human health on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day on May 31 and National No Tobacco Week on May 25-31.
PV: Up to now, what results have been achieved in the prevention of tobacco harms, sir?
Mr. Trinh Hai Son: During the period of 2013-2023, the Institute has carried out many propaganda campaigns on tobacco harm prevention and control such as hanging banners and slogans with rich and diverse contents such as: the impact of smoking on the economy, the current status of tobacco use, the harmful effects of tobacco, the harmful effects of passive smoking, the benefits of quitting smoking, some laws on tobacco harm prevention and control, places where smoking is completely banned, etc.
As a result, there are no more cases of smoking in offices and conference halls; “No Smoking” signs are posted at work places. Most officials and civil servants have voluntarily stopped smoking in their offices and meetings, and have limited smoking in public places. At the same time, everyone has reminded each other to do the same to protect their health and a healthy environment.
Units have implemented activities to prevent the harmful effects of tobacco in their units, and have increased the number of no-smoking signs in visible places, crowded places, and places where smoking is likely to occur.
The Institute has also organized for officials and civil servants to sign a commitment not to smoke at the agency or unit, included the content of preventing and combating the harmful effects of tobacco in the emulation criteria of officials; organized propaganda about the Law on Prevention and Combating the Harmful Effects of Tobacco for officials and civil servants at the agency.
PV: Sir, what suggestions do you have to facilitate the enforcement of laws on tobacco harm prevention?
Mr. Trinh Hai Son: Due to the impact of smoking on people's health, policies must prioritize protecting public health, for the common good of the people. Research on strategies to prevent the harmful effects of tobacco is the right solution, but it is necessary to study the balance and achieve the goal, which means increasing budget revenue (due to increasing tobacco taxes) while protecting people's health and will not greatly affect the production and cultivation of tobacco (because tobacco must still be grown and produced to meet the needs of those who cannot quit smoking).
At the same time, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp the units to strengthen propaganda and mobilize cadres, civil servants and workers to quit smoking, develop annual plans for tobacco harm prevention and control activities and report periodically once a year to the Steering Committee for tobacco harm prevention to have a basis for reporting.
In addition, it is necessary to continue to strengthen and perfect the Steering Committee for Tobacco Harm Prevention and Control, assign tasks to members of the Steering Committee, and develop an action plan under the direction of the Institute's Board of Directors.
Furthermore, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms and provide additional funding for propaganda work on prevention and control of tobacco harms at agencies and units.
In addition, actively propagate to all cadres, civil servants and employees to respond to World No Tobacco Day on May 31 and National No Tobacco Week on May 25-31; propagate the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms, incorporate the content of the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms into the unit's annual work plan, and integrate it into the annual emulation assessment.
The Institute also proposed to strengthen inspection and monitoring activities to gradually reduce the supply of tobacco products to the market in order to reduce the risk of illness and death caused by tobacco use.
In addition, control the sale of tobacco products, increase taxes on tobacco products to limit the demand for tobacco. Strictly punish individuals and organizations that violate regulations prohibiting the use of people under 18 years old to sell tobacco or selling tobacco to people under 18 years old.
PV: Thank you very much!
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