US Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign and related political committees have raised $1 billion since she became the Democratic nominee last July.
Since Ms. Harris replaced President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for the White House, the money pouring into her campaign and its affiliated political action committees and the Democratic Party has increased to a record level. On the day she was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate, Ms. Harris raised $25 million. That number increased to $500 million in just about a month.
Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump and the Republicans raised $130 million in August, compared to $404 million for Harris and the Democrats.
The race for the White House between Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump remains tight. According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Ms. Harris’s lead over Mr. Trump nationwide is narrowing.
Harris’s haul may be the fastest a presidential candidate has ever raised, according to the Times. While Biden and Trump both raised more than $1 billion over a much longer period of time in 2020, Harris raised $1 billion in less than 80 days.
Presidential campaigns tend to raise more money as the election approaches, but a half-billion-dollar haul in a single month is unprecedented, according to NBC. The money raised reflects donor enthusiasm ahead of the Nov. 5 election, and will be used for advertising, operations in battleground states and staffing costs.
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