6/8 public security schools announced the 2025 regular university admission criteria, many of which increased their criteria compared to last year.
The People's Security Academy recruits 440 full-time students (an increase of 30 compared to 2024). Of these, 290 (261 male, 29 female) are for the Security Operations major and 150 (136 male, 14 female) are for the Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention major.
For the Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention majors, the school reserves a maximum of 50 male students to send for overseas training in the field of Information Technology (selected from among the candidates admitted to the school).
In addition, the school recruits 100 students in Information Technology, under a cooperation program with Hanoi University of Science and Technology and 150 students for the second degree program. The admission method will be announced later, when there are instructions from the Ministry of Public Security.
The People's Security University recruits 260 regular university training quotas (234 males, 26 females); 140 university training quotas for second-degree degrees in public security for citizens who have graduated from university or higher. The southern recruitment area is from Da Nang to Ca Mau.
6/8 police schools announced enrollment targets for 2025. (Illustration photo)
The People's Public Security Academy recruits 100 students for training in Party Building and State Administration. Of these, 90 are male and 10 are female, evenly distributed between the North and the South, with 50 students per region.
The People's Police Academy recruits 530 students to train in the Police Profession group (477 men, 53 women). The recruitment area is from Hue in the North.
The Academy notes that in case the university quota in the enrollment area is not enough (according to each exam combination), this quota will be transferred to consider candidates from the remaining enrollment areas according to the Northern region, from high to low according to the enrollment regulations.
The People's Police University of Technology and Logistics recruits 200 students (an increase of 60 students compared to last year). Of which, the school recruits 100 students from the North (90 men, 10 women), and 100 students from the South (90 men, 10 women).
In addition, the school is assigned to recruit 50 students (45 male, 5 female), nationwide enrollment for training in Medicine at the Military Medical Academy, Ministry of National Defense.
The Fire Prevention and Fighting University recruits 100 candidates from the Northern region (90 males, 10 females), candidates from provinces and cities from Hue and beyond, and 100 candidates from the Southern region (90 males, 10 females), candidates from provinces and cities from Da Nang city and beyond. In addition, the school recruits 50 students for the second degree program in police profession (45 males, 5 females), without dividing the regions.
Previously, the Ministry of Public Security issued a decision to allocate enrollment quotas for public security academies and schools in 2025. Of which, the total enrollment quota for full-time university is 2,200; for intermediate level, 300; and for second degree, 850.
Schools continue to enroll students mainly based on high school graduation exam scores combined with the Ministry of Public Security's assessment test scores. The test consists of three parts: mandatory essay, mandatory multiple choice, and optional multiple choice.
The compulsory essay section includes one social argument question with a maximum total score of 25. The compulsory multiple choice section includes 35 Math questions (35 points), 10 History questions (10 points), and 20 Foreign Language questions (15 points).
The multiple choice test has 15 questions (15 points), candidates choose one of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography. Candidates take the test in 180 minutes, total score is 100.
Source: https://vtcnews.vn/chi-tieu-vao-cac-truong-cong-an-nam-2025-ar928922.html
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