Pickleball is a sport that combines tennis, badminton and table tennis, and is becoming increasingly popular in Vietnam. The scoring in Pickleball is quite simple, but there are some differences between singles and doubles.
How to score singles pickleball?
In pickleball doubles, the score is divided into three parts (e.g. 0-0-2). The first part indicates the serving team's score, the next the opposing team's score, and the last the serving player's turn. For example, a score of 6-4-2 indicates that the serving team is leading by 6 points, the opposing team has 4 points, and the current server is the second player on his team.
A pickleball game ends when one team reaches 11 points and is at least 2 points ahead of the other team. This is a common score in semi-professional tournaments. In professional tournaments, players may play until a team reaches 15 or 21 points.
The doubles scoreboard consists of three parts.
Each team gets two serves, one for each team member. If the serving team wins the point, they continue serving and switch positions on the court.
The first server will serve until the opposing team wins or commits a fault. When both players lose their turn, the serve passes to the opposing team.
Pickleball singles scoring
For singles, the score display is different than for doubles. The score is made up of two numbers (for example, 0-0).
The first number represents the server's score. The second number represents the receiver's score. For example, if the score is 10-8, this means the server has 10 points and the receiver has 8 points. There is no third number on the scoreboard because each side only serves once instead of two in doubles.
The singles scoreboard has only two parts: each athlete's score.
This is the biggest difference between singles and doubles. When playing 1v1, the serve switches to the other player after each point.
A pickleball set will still end when one player reaches a winning score of 11 and is at least 2 points ahead of the opponent. For example, if the score is 10-10, the match will continue until one player reaches 12 points.
Rules for serving points
The player selects the box corresponding to the odd or even number of points to serve.
At the start of the game, players serve from the right-hand side of the court. The order in which pickleball boxes are selected depends on the score.
If the server has an even score of 0, 2, 4, etc., then serve from the right side of the court. If the score is odd such as 1, 3, 5, etc., then serve from the left side of the court. This rule is quite similar to badminton.
Pickleball players must serve the ball over the net, landing in the opponent's cross-court service box. If the ball does not go over the net or goes out, the opponent wins the right to serve.
Source: https://vtcnews.vn/chi-tiet-cach-tinh-diem-pickleball-cuc-don-gian-ar903108.html
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