It is rare for two sisters to marry into the same family. Therefore, their marriage and the relationships surrounding them often make many people curious.
Kim Dong (left photo) and Kim Ngan (right photo) are two sisters. Long Gil (left photo) and Long Xuyen (right photo) are two brothers.
Sisters Vo Thi Kim Ngan (born in 1996) and Vo Thi Kim Dong (born in 2005), from Long My district, Hau Giang province, are used to seeing people's surprised faces when they learn they are marrying two siblings and becoming daughters-in-law in the same family.
Kim Ngan's husband is Nguyen Long Xuyen (born in 1992), and Kim Dong's husband is Nguyen Long Gil (born in 1995). Long Xuyen and Long Gil are two brothers, from Soc Trang province.
Kim Dong said that her parents had 8 children, including 5 boys and 3 girls. Her older sister Kim Ngan was the fourth daughter, often called "Tu", and Kim Dong was the seventh daughter, often called "Bay".
In 2014, Kim Ngan followed her parents to the market to do business. Coincidentally, Long Xuyen's parents also did business here. Seeing that the young girl was pretty and hard-working, Long Xuyen's parents wanted to marry her.
The two sets of parents just met but it was like they had known each other for a long time, chatting happily, even asking for each other's home addresses.
Kim Ngan and Long Xuyen got married in 2014.
“My parents and Tu’s family thought they were just joking, but they really came to our house. Both sets of parents were good-natured matchmakers for their children, and they were obedient. In the end, my brother and sister got married after only 1 month of dating,” Kim Dong recounted.
Kim Ngan and Long Xuyen's marriage was very good. Ngan was well-liked by her husband's parents, and Xuyen was very pleased with his wife's parents. The two sides never had any major conflicts.
The two in-laws' houses were 5km apart. Since her sister moved to Soc Trang to get married, Kim Dong often visited her sister's house. She was very familiar with her sister's husband's family.
“In 2021, when I turned 16, the other family once again proposed to match me with their youngest son, Long Gil. My in-laws said, my older sister had already gone there to be a daughter-in-law, now that I was going to be a daughter-in-law too, we would be even closer. There is nothing better than that.”
Long Gil already had feelings for Kim Dong. Ever since his parents proposed, he became more courageous. Every morning, Long Gil was at Kim Dong's house to pick her up and drop her off at work.
Kim Dong and Long Gil get married in 2023
Kim Dong admitted that at first she did not like her sister's brother-in-law. But with the influence of her sister and both sides, she opened her heart.
“My feelings are like a steady rain that wears away stone. Gil’s sincere feelings moved me. Furthermore, after many years of witnessing my sister being loved by her husband and his family, I have more faith in this relationship.”
In June 2023, Kim Dong and Long Gil got married. She and her biological sister officially became brides in the same family.
Family affection
Kim Dong and Long Gil’s wedding went smoothly, as both families were already familiar with each other. Relatives and neighbors from both sides were surprised by this special relationship.
Kim Dong's small family
Four years ago, Kim Ngan and her husband built their own house. Following her sister-in-law, Kim Dong now lives with her in-laws.
“Being a daughter-in-law with my sister, I feel much more secure. On the first day I went to my husband’s house, I felt familiar, not at all awkward or shy like other daughters-in-law. Up to now, I consider my husband’s house as my own,” Kim Dong said.
In Kim Dong's house, conflicts between sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law never happened. Their family affection made them willing to tolerate everything for each other. Kim Dong and Kim Ngan confided in and shared everything with each other.
“Wherever we go, we go together, taking our two husbands along. The happiest times are when we visit our parents’ house, both couples bring their children back and the whole family gathers and eats happily. Even when we travel, we go together,” Kim Dong shared.
Kim Dong and her husband's parents loved them very much. Dong had heard her father-in-law say many times: "You two are daughters-in-law, but your parents love you like their own daughters."
Kim Ngan and Kim Dong are loved by their parents-in-law (standing in the middle).
Kim Dong's parents-in-law only had two sons, Long Xuyen and Long Gil, so when they married two good daughters-in-law, they loved them even more.
“My parents married off two daughters, but they only had one in-law, so they were very close. Whenever the two families had free time, they would meet up to eat and drink. Nothing bad had ever happened to either side,” Kim Dong said.
Kim Ngan and Long Xuyen have two children, a 10-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. Kim Dong and Long Gil have their first son who just turned 1 year old. There is no difficulty in addressing each other.
“My fourth sister’s child calls me ‘Aunt Bay’ and my husband ‘Uncle Gil’. When my child can talk, he will call my fourth sister ‘Aunt Tu’ and Xuyen ‘Uncle Hai’. The whole family is happy with this way of addressing each other,” Kim Dong said.
Kim Dong strongly believes in the strong bond between the two families. To her, this is a special relationship that she cherishes deeply.
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