Check in Moc Chau to see the early plum blossom season
Báo Lao Động•10/10/2024
Since early October, Na Ka plum valley in Moc Chau has been in full bloom, much earlier than previous years.
Na Ka plum valley in the autumn afternoon sun. Video: Cuong Na Ka
About 180 km from Hanoi, Moc Chau district (Son La) has about 1,300 hectares of plum trees. This year, plum blossoms bloomed early from late September to early October. However, not many tourists know to check in like previous years. Photo: Rua Bo Bae Coming to Moc Chau these autumn days, visitors can enjoy very pleasant weather, temperatures from 17 to 25 degrees Celsius, dry and many sunny days. Visitors should prepare a light jacket if visiting early in the morning or going out in the evening. Photo: May Nguyen Na Ka plum valley is located on the road through Tan Lap commune, about 16 km from Moc Chau farm town, easy to travel with the road being completed. This is the place with the earliest blooming plums in Moc Chau. Some plum gardens with early blooming flowers here are Bich Hanh garden, Anh Tuyet garden... Photo: Rua Bo Bae The pure white plum blossoms stand out among the mountains and forests of Moc Chau. This flower only blooms for about 1-2 weeks before fading and the tree begins to nourish itself to produce fruit. Photo: Duy Tien May Nguyen, a tourist, shared: “October fruits in Moc Chau also captivate many people, in addition to the vast tea hills, the rose and orange gardens full of fruit… plum blossoms also make people's hearts flutter. The plum garden I went to was Bich Hanh plum garden in Tan Lap commune, this is the first plum garden to bloom in Moc Chau". Photo: May Nguyen The plum blossoms blooming out of season and early add a pure white color to the green plateau. Photo: May Nguyen
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