From left to right: Singer Le Quyen, actor Ryu Jun Yeol
The two characters mentioned are singer Le Quyen and actor Ryu Jun Yeol.
Countless negative comments
Recently, a photo of Le Quyen was widely shared on social networking sites.
For example, on a movie-watching group, the post "Le Quyen through a fan's 'regular cam' at a tea room: Turns out the online scene is just an illusion, her real-life appearance leaves fans extremely disappointed" attracted more than 12,000 likes and "haha" emojis, nearly 9,000 comments and hundreds of shares.
There are many opinions "defending" Le Quyen: "almost 50 years old but still young and beautiful", "still so beautiful", "the photo is too bad", "be beautiful, young and rich like her before speaking up"...
Some people even said: "You guys try to use the normal camera mode, see if it's as good as others to judge"...
But besides those who defend Le Quyen, there are also many people who freely criticize, mock, and use extremely harsh and even insulting words.
Someone was rude when mentioning her boyfriend's name and commented "so brave".
As for actor Ryu Jun Yeol, he became the center of criticism when news of him dating actress Han So Hee was revealed after breaking up with his long-time ex-lover not long ago.
Most Vietnamese people seem confused when this guy looks "ugly" but why do the other two girls (Han So Hee, Lee Hyeri) love him?
Ryu Jun Yeol was criticized for not being worthy of his two girlfriends (one old, one new)
Countless comments like "squinty eyes, dark lips, destructive combo", "this beauty is so interesting", "so ugly, so crazy ugly", "both of you have such salty tastes", "so handsome", "looks so mean", "why fight over this face"...
Some people are fed up reading comments like this, and have to exclaim: "Who people love and who they break up with is their private business. Why do our people criticize their appearance?"
After reading the negative comments from some netizens, Le Quyen shared on her personal Facebook page that she was disappointed because the audience intentionally took her ugly moments to post online. Le Quyen also attached to the post some photos of her bare face.
Besides, she is also happy and sends thanks to many viewers because on some pages that attract likes and views when posting the photo, there are many opinions defending her.
Body shaming/face shaming is simply understood as an individual using language and behavior to criticize or make negative comments about another person's appearance.
Singer Le Quyen posted a photo of her bare face after reading criticism of her face online - Photo: FBNV
This makes the listener feel uncomfortable, even offended and psychologically hurt.
Phung Ngoc Anh said that "the most annoying thing is that the Vietnamese online community is face shaming terribly".
This person thinks this is "super toxic and still thinks that being famous gives others the right to criticize their appearance".
Another person asked: "Since when do netizens have the right to comment on and insult other people's appearance?"
In response to a comment saying "just say what you mean", Triệu Linh said "body shaming and justifying saying what you mean"...
"Try to put yourself in your children's shoes if they are not as perfect as beauty queens or actors, and are criticized for their appearance by friends or outsiders, how would you feel?" Trieu Linh added.
Minh Minh commented: "What era is this, still body shaming. Let's live a civilized life." Some people also questioned the responsibility of the owners of online groups and clubs in approving posts related to the above behavior.
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