TPO - In addition to the damaged bridge bearings that need urgent repair, the Vinh Tuy bridge (phase 1 bridge) piers (legs) on the land are still being encroached upon and damaged, and many bridge legs are also dirty.
TPO - In addition to the damaged bridge bearings that need urgent repair, the Vinh Tuy bridge (phase 1 bridge) piers (legs) on the land are still being encroached upon and damaged, and many bridge legs are also dirty.
Vinh Tuy Bridge has now completed both phases, of which the 4-lane phase 1 bridge opened to traffic in 2017, and the phase 2 bridge opened to traffic in 2023. |
The bridge has a total length of more than 5 km, of which the bridge section on the approach road (viaduct) of both the inner city and Long Bien is more than 1 km long. |
However, with the phase 1 bridge, after nearly 20 years of use, an independent inspection unit recently said that the bridge bearings on the main spans of the bridge crossing the river are rusty, and the bridge abutments and top walls have diagonal and vertical cracks. |
Along with that, many bridge piers (bridge feet) located under the bridge are being encroached upon and misused for the purpose of parking service vehicles, shops and as a place to gather goods and construction materials. Photo taken under Vinh Tuy bridge in the inner city of Hanoi. |
Many sections of the bridge piers and underpass are even being used as a staging area for heavy vehicles, which has caused many sections of the bridge's surface and underpass to sink and crack. |
On Long Bien side, the bridge pillars and underpass, including pillars H74 - H78, are also being encroached upon and misused. |
Some bridge piers are surrounded by shops and warehouses, making it difficult for workers and machinery to access for maintenance, leading to water seepage. |
The underside of the bridge girder is waterlogged, leaving a dark scum. |
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