GĐXH - When children have the flu, parents need to follow the doctor's instructions for taking care of their children. In particular, the medicine used for children must be prescribed by a doctor, parents must not arbitrarily buy medicine for their children.
Recently, the case of 3 sisters in a family in Hanoi all having influenza A , in which 2 children developed pneumonia complications, has made many people worried. In fact, these are just a few cases of influenza A in the context of this disease has been increasing recently.
Dr. Dang Thi Thuy, Head of Pediatrics Department, Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases, said: Influenza A is an acute respiratory infection that often occurs in winter - spring and when the seasons change (also known as seasonal flu).
Influenza A can be caused by strains such as H1N1, H2N3, H7N9... The disease is spread through the respiratory tract through water particles, tiny droplets containing the virus released when the patient coughs, sneezes or through contact with objects, surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the eyes, nose, mouth.
A doctor examines a child with flu at the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases. Photo: BVCC.
The initial symptoms of influenza A infection or seasonal flu in general and other respiratory viruses are similar. Children often have fever, inflammation of the respiratory tract (such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose), sore throat, etc. Therefore, when children have these signs, parents often find it difficult to distinguish whether their child has influenza A or not.
In addition to the above initial symptoms, according to Dr. Thuy, it should be noted that children infected with influenza A often have a high fever of 39 - 40 degrees Celsius, congested eyes, congested throat, redness all over, fatigue, poor appetite, fussiness, many severe cases have difficulty breathing, pneumonia, bronchitis...
When children show signs of high fever and respiratory tract infection, parents need to take their children to the nearest medical facility for examination and diagnosis, from which doctors will advise on appropriate care and treatment for each child's condition.
Notes when caring for children with influenza A at home
Dr. Dang Thi Thuy said that most children with seasonal flu who are diagnosed with simple flu will be prescribed medication for outpatient treatment. Cases showing signs of respiratory tract infection complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis will be hospitalized for treatment.
Influenza usually progresses benignly, but the disease can also have serious and dangerous complications that are common in people with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Regarding the care of children with flu, according to Dr. Thuy, currently, there is a guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of seasonal flu from the Ministry of Health. The disease has specific treatment drugs and is indicated for specific cases. The guideline also provides guidance on symptomatic treatment and cases of seasonal flu with complications.
" When children are sick, parents need to follow the doctor's instructions, give their children plenty of water, eat liquid and easily absorbed foods, take fever reducers, symptomatic medications (cough medicine, cold medicine to relieve nasal congestion), vitamins (especially vitamin C) to help increase resistance ," said Dr. Thuy.
In particular, this expert noted that the drugs used must be prescribed by a doctor, parents should not arbitrarily buy drugs for their children.
Effective measures to prevent flu
Ways to prevent seasonal flu. Source: National Children's Hospital.
According to experts, influenza A is a highly contagious disease, and anyone can get it, especially children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The most effective way to prevent the disease is to get vaccinated against influenza, the appropriate time to get vaccinated is about 3 months before the winter-spring transition (July-September every year) so that the body can produce the necessary antibodies to fight the virus that causes the disease.
The flu virus is constantly changing, and after a year antibodies gradually decrease, so a booster shot should be given every year.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to improving children's physical condition: Give children a nutritious diet, supplement vitamins, minerals, and multivitamins according to their age...
Maintain personal hygiene such as washing hands with antibacterial soap or antiseptic solution before eating, when coming home from outside, after using the toilet. Limit touching eyes, nose, mouth. Regularly clean children's living and playing spaces, especially the classroom environment, toys, and items children come into contact with every day...
On the other hand, influenza is a respiratory disease, so avoid bringing children to crowded places, especially contact with people with influenza. Wear a mask when going out to limit the spread of the disease.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/cham-soc-tre-mac-cum-a-tai-nha-can-lam-gi-de-benh-nhanh-khoi-tranh-gap-bien-chung-17225020813543871.htm
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