According to the report of the Ministry of Finance, as of November 30, 2024, the disbursement rate of public investment capital from foreign loans was higher than the same period in 2023 (30.3% compared to 24.89% in the same period in 2023). However, although the assigned capital plan was lower than in 2023, localities did not allocate all capital plans to projects.
According to the Ministry of Finance's monitoring, the main reason is that the project no longer needs disbursement or the project has not completed the adjustment procedures, so there is no basis for allocating the capital plan. Regarding disbursement, only 6/53 localities have a disbursement rate of more than 60%, and 5/53 localities have not yet disbursed the 2024 capital plan.
According to the Ministry of Finance, by the end of November 2024, the disbursement rate of foreign-source public investment capital of ministries and branches only reached 39.06% of the plan. Of which, there are 2 ministries with a disbursement rate of more than 50%, namely GT-VT and TN-MT. However, 4 ministries including GD-DT, Cống, LLĐ-TB&XH, and HE have not yet disbursed the assigned capital plan. This poses a big challenge in completing the target of disbursing at least 95% of the capital plan as set by the Government.
According to the analysis of ministries and branches, the main reason for the slow disbursement is due to the delay in site clearance, many projects have encountered difficulties in compensation and land acquisition. Bidding and technical design are prolonged, the bidding process is not synchronized, causing delays. Investment policies have been adjusted many times, many projects have had to change the content of loan agreements, prolonging the approval time. Slow response from donors, processing of bidding documents and amendments to loan agreements is delayed by foreign partners.
Mr. Hoang Hai - Deputy Director of the Department of Debt Management and External Finance (Ministry of Finance) said that to speed up the disbursement of foreign public investment capital, there needs to be closer coordination between ministries, branches, localities and investors to complete procedures, disburse capital and effectively implement projects. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of each officer to ensure high disbursement targets.
With the recommendations of ministries, branches and localities, the Ministry of Finance will synthesize and report to competent authorities for consideration and resolution.
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