This guava tree belongs to Mr. Nam Tuan (45 years old, living in Thot Not district, Can Tho city). According to Mr. Tuan, the tree is currently being bid on by tycoons from several provinces.
The owner of this guava tree is selling it for 600 million VND.
Mr. Tuan said that there are currently some customers who have agreed to pay more than half a billion VND for the guava tree, but he has not sold it yet and is waiting for someone to offer a higher price.
The ancient red-fleshed guava tree with a unique appearance introduced by Mr. Tuan is over 200 years old, is being displayed in front of 8/3 Park (My Binh ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang province) and is being sold for 600 million VND.
Bonsai trees have not had any documents proving their age, so bonsai enthusiasts have to consider and evaluate them themselves...
Mr. Tuan said he bought this guava tree from a bonsai player in the countryside a few years ago.
Ancient guava tree roots.
"This tree is identified as the oldest guava tree in Vietnam. Bonsai enthusiasts can determine its age by just looking at its shape. The most special feature of the tree is that when watered, the wood grain emerges in a deep red color.
In addition, we do not spray fertilizers but the guava trees still bear fruit all year round," said Mr. Tuan.
According to the reporter's observation, the guava tree is about 190cm tall, the roots hug the pot like a miniature ancient tree.
From the base to the end of the trunk there are many nodules, twisted tumors and small cavities.
The tree is planted in a large cement pot, the base is quite large with a trunk diameter of about 220 cm, and a base diameter of 420 cm.
From the base to the end of the tree trunk, there are many nodules, twisted knots and small cavities clearly showing the age of the 200-year-old guava tree.
Mr. Ly Thanh Viet (residing in My Long ward, Long Xuyen city) - a visitor to An Giang Tet flower market, exclaimed: "I was very surprised to see a 200-year-old guava tree.
This guava tree is said to be over 200 years old.
The unique feature of the "guava" is its shape and appearance, mossy and ancient but very strong and full of life.
The old age is also the unique and strange point of this guava tree, because for a long time guava trees have only been a few decades old.
According to agricultural engineers, guava is of interest to people in subtropical regions for growing at home because it is one of the few tropical fruits that can grow to fruiting size in pots.
When grown from seed, guava trees can bear fruit in two years and can continue to do so for forty years.
Clip: Guava tree on display at Tet market.
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