(NLDO) - A photo just released by NASA shows a giant stream of plasma, X-rays and super-charged particles shooting out from a ghostly guitar-shaped structure.
According to NASA, the hazy guitar in space was captured in the image known as the "Guitar Nebula," a giant cloud of hydrogen gas located about 6,500 light-years from Earth.
The Guitar Nebula was formed by a phenomenon called a "bow shock," created from material blown away from pulsar B2224+65a, the immortal "zombie" of a collapsed giant star.
Guitar Nebula in the photo just released by NASA - Photo: NASA
From Earth, this nebula looks like a simple musical instrument. But in fact, it is a chaotic, shapeless mass flowing out from the dead star.
The nebula was first discovered in 1993 but this is the first time it has been observed so clearly.
In the new image, a slightly curved beam of light can be seen, almost perpendicular to the axis of the guitar's shaft.
That is the giant energy stream about 2 light years long (19 trillion km) that the immortal pulsar mentioned above is erupting.
From a distance it looks like the guitar is breathing fire in a crazy performance in the sky.
Animation shows the "zombie" star frantically spitting fire Photo: NASA
The new images are a combination of observations made by the Palomar Observatory in California, which shows visible light in blue; as well as the Chandra X-ray Observatory space telescope, which shows X-rays emitted by the jet in red.
While the Guitar Nebula and the jet aren't directly connected, a 2022 study using data from Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope revealed several factors in the stellar environment that could shape the nebula as well as the jet.
As such, researchers hope that continued study of this pulsar will yield new insights into the mysterious interstellar medium in our galaxy.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/anh-doc-tu-nasa-cau-truc-la-hinh-dan-guitar-dang-phun-lua-19624113010500112.htm
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