With their natural angelic beauty, the twin girls have attracted millions of fans.
In 2017, Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements celebrated their 7th birthday by creating an Instagram account. The two American girls quickly became famous and had millions of followers. The media called the twins "The Most Beautiful Twins in the World" because of their stunning beauty and natural charm.
It didn't take long for modeling agencies and brands to come calling on Ava Marie and Leah Rose. The twins now have nearly 3 million followers on Instagram and Facebook and have worked with some of the world's biggest brands, including Nike, Disney and Target.
The Clements have also faced criticism from those who have questioned their decision to expose their children to the spotlight so early, but the mother said that modelling was the twins' dream and not something they were forced to do.
“I didn’t decide for my daughters to start modeling. They decided for themselves. And if one day they want to do other things, I will support that decision 100%,” said the mother of Ava Marie and Leah Rose.
Ava Marie and Leah Rose are currently the most sought-after child models on the catwalk.
Now 14 years old, the California twins, often referred to as “The Most Beautiful Twins in the World,” have become internationally recognized child models with a growing fan base. Their beauty continues to be praised by everyone, proving Ava Marie and Leah Rose’s “successful puberty” journey.
In addition, the twins still balance their successful modeling careers with their studies. Leah and Ava said they always want to prove that they are not only beautiful faces but can also be an inspiration to many young people their age.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/cap-song-sinh-dep-nhat-the-gioi-gay-xon-xao-mang-xa-hoi-7-nam-truoc-bay-gio-ra-sao-khi-truong-thanh-172250107074155976.htm
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