Overcoming adverse weather conditions, 9 million m3 of roadbed was still built
According to Giao Thong Newspaper's reporter, at the XL1 package, contractor Dacinco took advantage of the sunny and clear weather to speed up construction.
This is the package with the largest volume of fill with over 5.1 million m3. Right at the beginning of the route, this contractor basically completed the K95 soil layer, the route has gradually appeared.
In addition to filling the K95 roadbed, Deo Ca contractor uses rocks to fill the K95 and K98 roadbed.
Trucks carrying materials from Nui Be and Hanh Duc mines continuously dumped soil onto the roadbed. Bulldozers advanced to level the road, while rollers followed closely behind, the entire construction site filled with the sound of machinery.
The contractor representative said that due to the erratic rainy weather, road construction encountered more obstacles.
"During the rainy season, roadbed construction is very difficult, but we still take advantage of the sunny days to speed up roadbed work, making up for unachieved output to ensure completion of the earthwork as planned," said a contractor representative.
Along the roadbed, K95 soil is continuously added, and some sections are being filled with K98. Up to now, the XL1 package has filled more than 3.1 million m3 of soil, equivalent to more than 63%.
Taking advantage of favorable weather, contractors started filling the foundation.
It is known that to speed up the progress and compensate for the delayed output due to the late handover of the site and the newly cleared material mine, the contractor has arranged 11 construction points along the route with nearly 1,100 personnel and 449 locomotives and equipment. At the same time, 2 field laboratories and 8 joint laboratories have been mobilized.
Along the project site through the XL2 and XL3 packages, the roadbed embankment work is more stable as most of it has been upgraded to K95 layer. In the section through Km 48 - Km 55, in addition to earth embankment construction, the Deo Ca contractor is constructing K95 embankment with granular materials using tunnel-bored rock.
The representative of Project Management Board 2 said that up to now, the project's roadbed embankment work has reached more than 9 million m3 out of a total of 10.6 million m3 of soil and about 700 thousand m3 of sand. Despite the unfavorable weather, the contractors still maintained the construction schedule. In particular, taking advantage of the clear weather and dry material mines, they arranged enough manpower to construct the roadbed.
The total amount of soil, sand and other materials used in the construction of the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway is more than 10 million m3.
"In addition to earth filling, contractors are filling with K95 and K98 granular materials with an output of about 116 thousand m3. Roadbed construction progress, quality management, progress, labor safety, traffic safety, environmental sanitation... ensure quality requirements and the proposed plan," said the investor representative.
Speed up construction of mountain tunnel system
At tunnels 1 and 2, which are 610m and 700m long respectively, the construction progress of the roadbed and concrete tunnel lining is being accelerated by the Deo Ca contractor. The contractor representative said that they are focusing on completing the tunnel lining, roadbed, and equipment installed in the tunnel...
At tunnel number 3, the contractor has arranged many modern drilling machines, and human resources are on site 24/7 to organize the construction. The construction atmosphere is always busy, the sound of drilling machines, bulldozer engines, and excavators resounds continuously.
Construction of tunnel number 3 is being accelerated by contractor Deo Ca in the context of the rainy season.
For the southern tunnel construction site alone, located in Binh Dinh province, the contractor has deployed 322 personnel and 146 pieces of machinery and equipment to carry out the work. Despite the complex construction conditions and narrow site, the workers and engineers still strive to complete each task.
Up to now, the right tunnel branch south of tunnel No. 3 has been dug 1,000m, contributing to increasing the total length of tunnel No. 3 dug for both tunnel tubes to nearly 3,800m out of a total length of 6,400m (reaching more than 58% of the volume).
"This is an important milestone in the overall progress of the project, and the contractor is making continuous efforts to open the tunnel on April 30, 2025," the contractor representative affirmed.
Not only the tunnel , the construction of the system of more than 500 bridges and culverts on the route has also changed significantly. Many bridges have begun installing girders, with construction reaching over 70%.
For the Song Ve bridge project, which is over 600m long, the largest bridge project on the route, the contractor has completed pouring concrete for the bridge deck.
Deo Ca Group is striving to complete both tunnels 1 and 2 in 2024.
According to the leader of Deo Ca Group, the target by the end of 2024 is for the unit to reach about 61% of the total output of the project. Of which, completing tunnels No. 1 and No. 2, completing 63/77 bridges. Organizing simultaneous asphalt concrete paving on all 3 packages...
Nearly half of the project capital has been disbursed.
To ensure project progress, capital disbursement plan and especially bring the project to the finish line in 2025, 6 months ahead of schedule compared to the plan set out by the Prime Minister's campaign "500 days and nights competing to complete 3,000km of expressway", the joint venture of contractors has increased the construction team, personnel and equipment to the construction site.
After 22 months of construction, the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway has disbursed more than 6 trillion VND in construction capital.
At the same time, cut and transfer items of subcontractors that are behind schedule to "rescue".
It is known that at the construction site, the contractor has arranged 44 construction teams with 1,790 machines, equipment and more than 4,000 personnel.
A representative of Project Management Board 2 said that after 22 months of construction, the project's progress has reached more than 45%. Of which, most of the roadbed earthworks have been basically completed, other major items have also accelerated, and output has increased every day.
Investors and contractors are aiming to disburse all VND8,000 billion in construction capital in 2024.
"Although the progress is slow, in general, the work is still going smoothly and the contractor is speeding up, so in the remaining months, we will compensate for the slow volume, ensure the construction and installation plan, and disbursement of capital for the project in 2024, creating a foundation for the project's completion in 2025," said the investor representative.
Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon Expressway is one of 12 component projects that started construction in early 2023. This is the project with the largest investment capital of more than 20,400 billion VND, spanning two provinces, Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh, with a length of 88km.
To date, the project has accumulated more than 6,100 billion VND out of a total of more than 13.4 trillion VND in construction and installation capital. In 2024 alone, the capital plan allocated for the construction and installation project is more than 4,000 billion VND, and to date, nearly 2,700 billion VND has been disbursed, reaching more than 66% of the plan.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/cao-toc-quang-ngai-hoai-nhon-ra-sao-sau-22-thang-thi-cong-192241014185032782.htm
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