On the morning of July 16, a representative of Tay Ho District Police said that the unit had determined the initial cause of the apartment fire in Nam Thang Long Urban Area (Hanoi).

Specifically, at around 6:09 p.m. on July 15, Tay Ho District Police received a report from residents that a fire was breaking out on the 29th floor of Lac Hong Apartment Building (address Lot CT03B Nam Thang Long Urban Area).

Upon receiving the news, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Team of Tay Ho District Police and the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department of Hanoi City Police mobilized vehicles and officers to the scene to put out the fire.

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Fire scene at apartment building. Photo: CACC

At the scene, the Fire Commander established a reconnaissance team consisting of 3 officers and soldiers with equipment to go up the stairs to the 29th floor to reconnoiter the fire. The remaining officers and soldiers carried breathing apparatus and demolition equipment to approach the scene and put out the fire.

After a few minutes, the fire was extinguished, the incident caused no human casualties, and insignificant property damage.

However, the police initially determined that the cause was due to people carelessly boiling water on the sofa and forgetting to turn it off before going out, causing the fire.

The Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Team of Tay Ho District Police recommends that people strictly manage fire and heat sources. When using fire and heat generating devices, there must be someone watching and when leaving the house, all electrical devices must be turned off to prevent factors that cause fires and ensure fire safety for everyone.

At the same time, each family should equip themselves with at least one fire extinguisher and know how to use it to proactively handle fire and explosion incidents.