GĐXH - Most Tet dishes are rich in nutrients, cholesterol, carbohydrates, etc., which can easily increase blood fat and cause dyslipidemia if you eat uncontrolled.
Dyslipidemia is a very common condition for many people after Tet. Dyslipidemia is an increase in cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol (low density cholesterol) or a decrease in HDL-cholesterol (high density cholesterol), caused by unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, genetics and some other diseases.
During Tet, most Tet dishes are rich in nutrients, cholesterol, carbohydrates, etc., which can easily increase blood fat. In addition, frequent use of alcohol, staying up late, eating at irregular times, etc., causes liver function to decline, negatively affecting cholesterol metabolism. This not only increases liver fat but can also lead to disorders of blood fat components.
If high blood fat is not controlled in time, it will form atherosclerosis. Over time, atherosclerotic plaques break off, forming blood clots that travel throughout the body. If the blood clots block the arteries in the brain, it will cause an ischemic stroke. This is the most common type of stroke, accounting for 75 - 85% of stroke cases.
In addition, cold weather in the first days of the new year can also have a negative impact on health, especially for people over 50 years old. High blood fat, combined with low temperatures, will increase blood pressure, form blood clots causing myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.
People with dyslipidemia need to know this
- Do not skip meals , avoid being hungry or too full. You should eat many meals, 4-5 meals a day is best. You should eat slowly and chew thoroughly, to help digestion, do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Limit processed foods , greasy foods, fried foods, stir-fried foods. Increase fiber, green vegetables and fresh fruits. Limit fast starches (cakes, candies...), prioritize slow starches (raw processed grains). Should supplement foods with healthy fats such as nuts, fish, olive oil...
- Minimize the use of alcohol and beer . Do not smoke or drink carbonated drinks. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters (6-8 cups) per day. Drinking tea and coffee in the morning also helps control blood lipids.
- Maintain regular daily exercise (should exercise lightly for 30-60 minutes each day). Keep your body warm when going out in cold or windy places. Make sure to get enough sleep and keep your mind relaxed.
- Strictly follow the doctor's prescription and instructions if you have to take medication. See a doctor immediately if you experience any discomfort or have your blood lipid levels tested regularly to adjust your diet accordingly.
4 delicious Tet dishes that people with dyslipidemia should limit
Chung cake, tet cake
Banh chung and banh tet are not good foods for people with dyslipidemia. These two types of cakes are both high in nutrients, starch, and fat. According to nutritionists, a banh chung weighing about 1kg provides up to 1,810kcal. This amount of calories is equivalent to 10 bowls of white rice, 5 bowls of pho.
Therefore, people with high blood fat should only eat 100g of banh chung or banh tet per day. They should eat it for breakfast or lunch, avoid eating it in the evening because the energy that is not released will be converted into Triglyceride, causing this blood fat index to increase.
Fried food
Typical Tet dishes such as fried spring rolls, fried potatoes... can all contain unhealthy trans fats, increasing bad cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and reducing good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol). Therefore, people with dyslipidemia should prepare food by steaming or boiling to preserve the natural flavor and be good for health. If you like fried foods, use a healthier cooking method such as using an air fryer or oven to have crispy, delicious food without oil or fat.
Processed foods
Ham, sausage, cold cuts... are processed foods commonly used during Tet. These dishes contain a lot of protein and saturated fat, trans fat which is not good for people with high blood fat. In addition, processed foods often contain preservatives, additives to create crunchiness... which are not good for health. People with high blood fat should not eat more than 100g of these foods per day.
Tet candy and jam
These are all foods that contain high sugar content and are rich in energy. When consuming a lot of sweets, the body will convert excess energy from sugar into stored energy, causing Triglyceride in the blood to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets and jams to control blood fat, reduce the risk of weight gain and prevent diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Who is at risk for dyslipidemia?
According to nutrition experts, if you are experiencing one of the following conditions, your risk of developing dyslipidemia will be higher than normal:
- Diabetic patients: high blood sugar contributes to increased LDL-cholesterol and decreased HDL-cholesterol. High blood sugar also damages the lining of blood vessels;
- Family members with cardiovascular disease before the age of 50 in men or 60 in women;
- Family history of medical conditions related to blood fat;
- Unscientific diet, eating a lot of saturated fat from animal products and trans fat found in cookies and people who regularly smoke.
- Obese people, people with large waist circumference, people who exercise little...
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/canh-giac-voi-roi-loan-mo-mau-sau-tet-u50-nhat-dinh-phai-biet-dieu-nay-172250202084357304.htm
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