In order to support customers in limiting risks in the process of using and transacting credit cards during the Lunar New Year, especially with the service of "card maturity" (fake transaction), SHB Bank recommends that card users should pay attention to the following information:
Card maturity, also known as fake transaction, is the act of customers paying for goods and services but in reality there is no purchase or supply of goods or services.
Fake credit card transactions seriously violate legal issues, including criminal prosecution, when the cardholder does not actually make any transactions to buy or sell goods, but the transactions are essentially unofficial "cash withdrawal" transactions carried out by non-transparent individuals or organizations.
Customers are likely to be exploited by criminals using security data such as CVV2, full name, expiration date, card number... to conduct online transactions to appropriate customers' assets, or serve other fraudulent purposes. From there, it will negatively affect the customer's transaction/credit history at Banks when the customer's name is on the list of suspected collusion to conduct illegal transactions.
Therefore, to guard against fraudsters and ensure safe payment transactions, SHB recommends that customers adhere to the following core principles:
- DO NOT AFFECT fraudulent payment transactions.
- DO NOT give your card to anyone, DO NOT provide your card information, card PIN, or card transaction OTP code to anyone, including bank employees. DO NOT keep a copy of the front and back of the card.
- Proactively SET card transaction limits that are appropriate for your needs on the SHB App;
- Always CHECK your balance changes, notify your card transactions as soon as you receive them.
- IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY SHB when your card is lost or an unusual transaction occurs, or when you change your personal information (Citizen ID number, contact address, transaction statement receiving address, email or mobile phone number...).
In addition, with each specialized payment system, customers also need to pay attention to the following:
– Via ATM:
- Always look around and COVER the keypad when entering your PIN.
- Before inserting the card into the machine, carefully check the card reader, keyboard, and screen to ensure there are no abnormalities. DO NOT TRANSACTION if you suspect the ATM has strange or unusual equipment or the ATM is not intact.
- Always CHECK the amount and take back your card after making a transaction.
- REMEMBER your PIN instead of writing it on your card or in visible places. Change your PIN regularly and do not use easily guessable information (date of birth, ID number, anniversary date).
– Via POS machine:
- DO NOT GIVE THE CARD to any entity or service provider for credit card expiration.
- Make sure the transaction is done within your sight, GET YOUR CARD BACK IMMEDIATELY after the transaction.
- For transactions requiring a PIN to complete the transaction: ALWAYS COVER the keypad when entering the PIN.
- CHECK carefully the content and total amount to be paid before signing the transaction invoice.
- CANCEL (shred) receipts before discarding.
– Via Internet
- Only TRADING/DOWNLOAD APPLICATIONS on official websites/sources
- DO NOT save your login account and password associated with your card information on your browser during transactions.
- Do NOT reply to strange emails/calls asking for card information.
- READ CAREFULLY the website terms and conditions before agreeing to the transaction/payment.
If you detect or suspect that your card information or data may have been compromised, please DO NOT CONTINUE THE TRANSACTION and IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY SHB via hotline number *6688 for timely support.
We wish you always have safe experiences when using SHB card products and services!
The post Warning about fraudulent credit card transactions during Tet appeared first on SHB Bank.
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