In addition to cancer, cardiovascular diseases are increasingly common in Vietnam and are one of the leading causes of death.
Not only the elderly, but also young people in the 30-40 age group are increasingly suffering from cardiovascular diseases. There are people only around 30 years old who have sudden cardiac arrest and are at high risk of sudden death. With the continuous hot days taking place, doctors also advise people to be careful with their cardiovascular health.
Although only 27 years old, recently, Mr. Le The Minh (Hanoi) has been experiencing chest pains. Worried, Mr. Minh went to the hospital for a check-up. As for Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, 31 years old, from Tuyen Quang, the pain only appeared for a few days before he was hospitalized and transferred to Hanoi for urgent treatment. He was diagnosed with 90% coronary artery stenosis and was prescribed stent intervention.
At the Post Office Hospital, recently, young people have been coming to see doctors for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis. According to statistics from the Vietnam Heart Institute, out of the total 3,500 - 4,000 cases of cardiovascular intervention at the Institute in 1 year, people under 40 years old account for 15 - 17%.
According to doctors, everyone is at risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially those who smoke a lot, are stressed, have a history of high blood pressure, dyslipidemia... If you suddenly have difficulty breathing or frequent difficulty breathing, chest pain, sudden cyanosis, tired legs when walking or unusual palpitations, it could be cardiovascular disease and you need to see a doctor immediately.
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