On the afternoon of May 24, speaking at the group, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong gave initial comments on the fire that occurred on Trung Kinh Street, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi.
Earlier that morning, the working delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee led by Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong arrived at the scene of the fire at a motel on Trung Kinh Street, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City.
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong said that after the inspection, there were several issues that needed to be drawn out. Firstly, the fire showed the inadequacy of the general planning in fire prevention and fighting. When the village became a city, land prices increased, people with old houses expanded their houses to rent out and do other things. This broke the entire planning of the old village. The old village had a 5m alley leading inside. The expansion was a violation for a long time, but it happened since the village became a city in 1997.
“From the main road to the house, there are 5 turns. The deeper you go into the alley, the tighter it gets. Only one motorbike can go there, and people cannot avoid it. That means 300m but there are 5 turns. The stairs to the upper floors are outside because there are 2 houses. The 5-storey house belongs to the owner, and the 3-storey house is rented to people,” said the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly.
The second problem is the combination of housing and business. Individual houses are expanded for rent and business, the entire space of the road leading to the house is used. Previously, it was mainly for walkways and trees, but the owner made a corrugated iron roof to make a workshop to repair motorbikes, bicycles, and electric vehicles.
The third issue, according to the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, is that the Fire Prevention and Fighting Law needs to regulate more strictly the business in neighborhoods, auto repair shops, and housing combined with business. The National Assembly Standing Committee and the National Defense and Security Committee have conducted surveys many times in Hanoi and several major cities and found that "this situation is not uncommon". This is the story of the village going to the city and the inadequacy of planning.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/pho-chu-tich-quoc-hoi-can-quy-dinh-chat-hon-loai-hinh-nha-o-ket-hop-kinh-doanh-10280731.html
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