In recent years, exploiting tourism from film studios has become an attractive direction, helping to promote the cultural and historical values of the country, saving investment costs, and increasing local revenue. However, there are still many debates about the suitability of each film studio with the specific context and actual conditions of each locality.
Potential exploitation direction
Developing tourism from film studios has long been effectively exploited by many countries in the world. Beautiful natural landscapes, elaborately created scenes, and the imprint of the film crew meet the needs of exploration of tourists. In Vietnam, many localities have recognized this potential to effectively utilize it.
One example is the American movie "Kong: Skull Island" with some scenes filmed in Ninh Binh. After the movie was released, this place became a prominent tourist destination, attracting the attention of domestic and international tourists. In particular, the "Following Kong's Footsteps" themed tours of many international travel companies, such as: Exotic Voyages, Signature Cruise Halong have created opportunities for the locality to exploit the potential of sustainable tourism.
In Phu Yen, after the success of the film "I see yellow flowers on the green grass", Bai Xep area quickly became an attractive destination for tourists thanks to its wild and simple beauty spread through beautiful scenes. Recently, Ho Chi Minh City has proposed to build a film studio of more than 300 hectares at the National Cultural and Historical Park to meet the new development of cinema and combine tourism exploitation.
Industry experts say that exploiting tourism through film studios can help save a lot of money compared to investing in construction and renovation in the traditional promotional direction. At the same time, the locality also has content available to spread in the appropriate direction. Importantly, film studios also help develop sustainable tourism by creating a tourism model that combines the preservation and development of local cultural values. Accordingly, tourists not only visit but also learn deeply about history, culture, and people through specific contexts.
Although there have been examples of film studio exploitation bringing clear benefits, not all projects have been favorable. Recently, there has been controversy over the exploitation of tourism from the "Red Rain" film studio in Quang Tri province. The film studio was built by the People's Army Cinema on the banks of the Thach Han River, recreating the heroic battle of our army and people in 1972 with the largest investment in the past 10 years. Previously, in meetings and sharing opinions, representatives of the provincial leaders and the film crew expressed their wish that the film studio could be retained and become a tourist attraction in the future. However, recently, after a survey, Quang Tri province refused to accept the film studio due to the actual conditions of terrain and climate that did not ensure the preservation and maintenance of the setting.
Previously, the investor who was building a tourist area combined with a film studio in the Luu Ly waterfall area in Dak Nong province also shared about some difficulties, notably the legal aspect was not really specific and clear in the terms, so the investor did not feel safe enough to boldly invest to the fullest.
Need to survey and invest carefully
At the international conferences on promoting investment in developing tourism brands through cinema organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, many experts frankly admitted that, although Vietnam is a country with diverse natural landscapes and cultural identities, compared to many countries in the region, Vietnam has not yet attracted many foreign film crews; has not yet promoted destinations through cinematographic works; current models are still mostly fragmented, unsynchronized and not commensurate with potential.
Film studios can create a strong attraction for tourists, especially movie fans because they want to experience the actual space of the scenes. Tourists who come to visit will also spend on many tourism services, such as: food, accommodation, shopping, transportation... contributing to promoting the tourism economy, creating opportunities for service providers, local people and businesses to develop.
In addition, choosing locations associated with cultural heritage as film settings also helps promote the beauty, history and traditions of the land. Film studios can have a positive impact on the story of preserving and promoting the value of unique relics, works and landscapes. However, there are still many risks and challenges when exploiting tourism in this direction.
At many conferences and seminars on film studio tourism, experts have warned about the problem of overloading, losing natural beauty when the number of tourists is too large. This can also lead to negative impacts on the natural environment, the conservation of important areas. Not to mention, when the film crews finish their tasks, if the film studio is not properly invested, the areas are easily degraded due to the impact of natural conditions and humans.
Overexploiting a film set also destroys the original, natural character of the location, especially when constructions or changes are made too much to serve tourism. This makes the setting no longer retain the realistic, natural feel of the film, reducing its appeal to tourists. In addition, when building and opening tourist film sets, especially areas with complex settings or outdoor spaces, the issue of safety for tourists needs special attention.
According to experts, to exploit tourism from film studios, there must be sufficient solutions to ensure safety, aesthetics and sustainability, suitable for the specific terrain, climate and people in each locality. Specifically, it is necessary to conduct detailed surveys of the location, carefully study environmental, cultural and social factors. Spatial planning and tourism activities must be suitable for the characteristics of each area to have a sustainable orientation, not changing too much the original nature of the region.
Normally, the film sets left by the film crew will not be effective if exploited immediately, but need to invest in upgrading infrastructure, including areas serving tourists such as roads, toilets, resting places, parking lots, etc. At the same time, maintaining and protecting film set locations is necessary to ensure that they do not deteriorate quickly and maintain long-term aesthetics. Socialized solutions can help allocate resources and improve efficiency in exploiting film set tourism.
Government agencies can coordinate with private enterprises, community organizations and local people to build, promote and manage the sites. Local communities also need to be trained to receive tourists professionally. Measures need to be taken to manage the number of visitors, avoid overcrowding and impact on the natural landscape. For example, tours can be divided by time, avoid too many tourists gathering at one time; create green spaces, develop trees around the film studio area to protect the environment.
Exploiting film studio tourism promises to bring many benefits to the local tourism industry, but it also comes with many risks. Only when implemented systematically, synchronously and meeting specific requirements, can film studio tourism create unique tourism experiences, attracting tourists to contribute to the sustainable development of the local economy.
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