(NADS) - Continuing the 7th Session, on the morning of June 19, the National Assembly held a meeting to discuss in the hall the investment policy of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025 - 2035 period in the second content of the meeting. The discussion was lively, high-quality, close to reality, going straight to the point with a constructive spirit and high responsibility.
At the meeting, the National Assembly Deputies expressed their high agreement with the Government's Proposal as well as the Review Report of the Committee on Culture and Education on the necessity, viewpoints, goals and tasks of the national target program on cultural development for the period 2025 - 2035. Above all, the delegates positively affirmed that if the Program is approved and successfully implemented, it will help us increase investment resources, meet the urgent needs of comprehensive human development and build an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.
Giving further comments on the Program so that when it is approved it will be feasible to implement, National Assembly Deputies Nguyen Thi Viet Nga (Hai Duong), Nguyen Anh Tri (Hanoi), and Tran Thi Thu Dong (Bac Lieu) contributed many practical and valuable ideas to promote and develop literature and arts.
There needs to be investment content to develop and further specify the role of the Central and local Union of Associations/Specialized Associations of Literature and Arts.
According to National Assembly Deputy Nguyen Anh Tri, since 1957, the Central and local Literature and Arts Associations have made many contributions to the cultural development of the country. However, currently, the Associations and Associations still face many difficulties in terms of funding, location, material conditions, etc. to be able to operate smoothly, regularly and successfully.
In her speech, Delegate Nguyen Thi Viet Nga also specifically raised this issue: in supporting artists, the role of central specialized literary and artistic associations and local literary and artistic associations was not mentioned in the draft, although these associations are the most important focal points to gather and unite the team of artists, direct and orient literary and artistic activities.
Next, the Delegate expressed her concern about the issue in section 5.3 on supporting essential infrastructure facilities for the development of literature and arts. According to her, after many years of operation, the facilities for the creative camps are seriously deteriorating, affecting the quality of the artists' creative trips. Accordingly, in the Program, it is necessary to supplement investment in facilities and human resources for the creators so that artists can participate in the creative camps.
Agreeing, Delegate Tran Thi Thu Dong said that in implementing component number 5 in the Program, the authority and responsibility of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations, central and local literature and arts associations were not mentioned in the Program even though these associations are the most important focal points to gather artists nationwide.
Delegate Anh Tri suggested that the Government should have content and resources to invest in the Union/association in the field of literature and art as stated in the National Target Program on cultural development for the period 2025 - 2035. At the same time, create conditions for the Union and Associations to participate strongly and substantially in activities that are the strengths of specialized associations in the Union such as selection, judging of competitions (national, international...), training, coaching and organizing international cultural cooperation programs and projects.
Arts and literature magazines/newspapers are "in a very precarious state"
National Assembly Deputy Nguyen Thi Viet Nga said that VHNT magazines/newspapers are forums for literature and art, and are channels to introduce and publish literary and artistic works of artists across the country. However, these units are currently "in a very precarious situation" and are lacking funds to operate. Therefore, it is very important that the Program considers additional support for VHNT newspapers/magazines/websites. This is the best form of support for the development of literature and art and the promotion of literary and artistic works.
Sharing the same opinion, in her comments to the Drafting Committee, Delegate Tran Thi Thu Dong suggested that the Government include the content of funding investment for the country's Literature and Arts Magazines and Newspapers to operate in the Program because this is a very effective channel to introduce and promote the works of artists.
Invest resources to create many top-notch literary and artistic works
Commenting on the content of component 8 on Cultural Human Resource Development, Delegates Nguyen Anh Tri and Tran Thi Thu Dong said that this is important content, but the Program's presentation is still vague and unclear.
According to National Assembly Deputy Anh Tri, the Drafting Committee needs to pay attention to two issues. Issue one is that cultural talents, innate gifts, are mostly found in the people, in the community, from villages and neighborhoods. There must be a good method, we must go out with great responsibility, be fair and impartial in searching and discovering them, and this must be done first, training, honing, supporting, giving them opportunities to shine, so that talents can be developed.
The second issue is to create all conditions for artists to contribute, dedicate themselves worthily, contribute healthily and ensure a comfortable, rich spiritual life, a stable material life to compose and create.
In his comments to the Drafting Committee, Delegate Thu Dong suggested adding the phrase "to create" and amending this sentence to "Focused investment to create Vietnam's top literary and artistic works" in section 5.4. Because, according to Delegate Thu Dong: "The goal of the program is to invest resources to create many top literary and artistic works, not that the state will invest when there are already top works."
Delegate Thu Dong also suggested choosing a suitable approach to effectively invest in the field of literature and art, researching and choosing to invest in contents such as: Supporting creation, specifying forms of creative support so that authors have the conditions to create top-notch works; Focusing on training high-quality human resources in the field of literature and art; boldly sending people to countries with developed cultural industries for training.
In addition, National Assembly Deputy Thu Dong also mentioned the issue of digital transformation. Digital transformation should make maximum use of scientific and technological advances, with many different forms of technology, or preserve cultural and artistic forms on digital platforms and cyberspace to implement the policies of the Party, National Assembly, and Government on digital nation and digital government. At the same time, with the application of technology in the development of culture and cultural and artistic activities, competent authorities need to promptly issue guiding documents and technical and economic norms to implement this program in a truly scientific, easy-to-do, easy-to-implement manner, avoiding the risk of errors.
Source: https://nhiepanhdoisong.vn/vai-tro-lien-hiep-hoi-hoi-van-hoc-nghe-thuat-mo-nhat-trong-chuong-trinh-muc-tieu-quoc-gia-ve-phat-trien-van-hoa-giai-doan-2025-2035-14750.html
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