A sand dune thousands of square meters wide located right in front of Phan Thiet port (Binh Thuan) obstructs traffic, forcing many speedboats and fishermen to struggle to avoid it when going out to sea.
Nguyen Van Cuong, captain of the Trung Nhi speedboat (Phu Quy - Phan Thiet route) said that many transport ships and fishing boats are always insecure when entering and leaving Phan Thiet port. The section of the Ca Ty river mouth adjacent to the sea, near the embankment, is seriously silted and encroaching on the shipping channel. "The main channel is increasingly silted, the situation of propellers hitting mud, sand... garbage on the riverbed often occurs, easily causing damage and danger when the ship is operating. To ensure safety, we have to spend more money to hire a tugboat to the estuary, because we are concerned that the depth of the channel is not safe," said captain Cuong.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/can-canh-con-cat-phinh-to-lan-cua-bien-phan-thiet-192250222142249101.htm
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