(NLDO) - After the electronic system is back in operation, the tax authority will quickly process it so that land management offices can complete and return the results of real estate records.
People transact at the Branch of the Land Registration Office of Go Vap District (HCMC)
On March 14, speaking with reporters from the Lao Dong Newspaper, leaders of several Tax Teams (formerly the Tax Department) in Ho Chi Minh City said that after the tax industry temporarily suspended some electronic transaction functions to hand over operational data according to the new organizational model, officers calculating real estate taxes online were "frozen".
At the Go Vap District Land Registration Office Branch (HCMC), although the real estate connection system with the agency has been temporarily suspended so that the tax authority can transfer data to operate under the new model, this unit still accepts home buying and selling records. The trading atmosphere is quite lively when there are about 50 people waiting for their turn to submit and receive the results of the transfer of real estate ownership.
Many people have it in hand or take advantage of the time to fill out additional information on the declaration forms in time for their turn to submit their application.
Talking to a reporter from Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Van Tien boasted that he had just received a new pink book. According to Mr. Tien, for a poor real estate transfer transaction according to the request for a new pink book, it can take about 3 months to get results, and in the case of a home buyer who only needs to update the identity of the person whose name is on the land title, they must wait at least 45 days to complete the application.
“People have been waiting for their files to be processed for quite a long time, probably because wards, communes, departments and branches in Ho Chi Minh City have been dissolved and merged, so state management agencies have spent a lot of time reviewing information related to real estate transactions,” said Mr. Tien.
Previously, on March 13, the Tax Department of Region II (formerly the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department) said that in order to ensure the smooth settlement of records determining financial obligations for real estate on the Electronic Land Interconnection System, the Tax Department of Region II requested the Tax Teams in Ho Chi Minh City to coordinate with the branches of the land registration offices, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of districts, and notify the tax authorities to temporarily suspend electronic tax payments on the eTax Mobile application, and temporarily suspend the processing and return of results of electronic records on land received from 5:00 p.m. on March 12 to 8:00 a.m. on March 17.
During the suspension of electronic file processing, tax authorities still receive files and return results of land financial obligation processing by manual methods (paper copies, not through electronic connection methods).
Source: https://nld.com.vn/can-bo-tinh-thue-nha-dat-online-o-tp-hcm-dung-hinh-vi-he-thong-tam-ngung-196250314125246376.htm
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