Smart mothers cannot help but know about natural fiber
Nowadays, food technology is developing rapidly, many types of fast food and drinks are born, making eating more and more convenient. In addition to increasing micronutrients, it is better to use natural fiber available in plant-based foods than processed/synthetic fiber.
Natural fiber is a familiar group of nutrients that many people often think is only found in vegetables, tubers, and fruits. However, natural fiber can be even more abundant in many other plants such as beans, seeds, and grains, playing an important role in supporting the digestive system and improving health, with two types: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber is a substance that does not dissolve in liquid when entering the intestines, often found in the shells of foods such as wheat, brown rice, whole barley, some vegetables... On the contrary, soluble fiber can dissolve in liquid when entering the intestines in the form of gel. This group is often found in leafy vegetables, fruits with high viscosity (jute, Malabar spinach...) and some types of beans: peas, lentils, oats, nuts, apples, pears, strawberries and blueberries...
In particular, when talking about the excellent source of soluble fiber, we cannot fail to mention soybeans, a series of seeds containing up to 9.3g of natural fiber (accounting for 39% of the recommended daily intake) in every 100 grams of cooked soybeans. Therefore, it is necessary to understand natural fiber to keep the full amount of fiber in the daily menu, contributing to building a balanced, healthy diet.
100% benefits from natural fibers for the whole family
As a "powerful assistant" of the body with many comprehensive benefits, fiber also stands out for its ability to support healthy digestion. When entering the intestines, fiber will absorb water, stimulate rectal activity, thereby helping to prevent constipation and regulate intestinal bacteria. As for people at risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood fat, high blood pressure... timely addition of fiber to the daily diet will help reduce blood cholesterol levels, contributing to improving blood sugar.
Besides, if you want to lose weight, a healthy, nutritious diet with a variety of fiber-rich foods will be the ideal choice. Fiber-rich foods not only contain very little fat, but also force you to chew more, make you feel full longer and reduce cravings, helping to prevent overweight and obesity.
In particular, with the effect of preventing the development of cancer cells (colorectal cancer, breast cancer, etc.), nutrition experts encourage people to eat more vegetables and less meat to prevent the risk of disease and protect optimal health. With many practical benefits like that, the Institute of Nutrition recommends that the minimum amount of fiber that Vietnamese people need is 20 - 22g/person/day.
Things to remember to fully preserve natural fiber in daily meals
According to the IOM-FNB (USA) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), humans need 14g of fiber for every 1000Kcal of food. Therefore, focusing on a plant-based diet with abundant fiber is a smart choice for modern consumers. At the same time, you should drink enough water to help push fiber through the intestines easily, and do light physical exercise to support the process of fiber absorption as well as food digestion.
However, the more fiber you consume, the better! Consider dividing the amount of fiber-rich foods into reasonable amounts in your meals, adding them slowly so that your digestive system has time to adapt. Nutritionists recommend that you eat green vegetables for lunch and dinner, eat fruit for breakfast, and add beans and nuts for the best absorption.
Note that when fiber is overcooked, it will turn into starch, so you should keep the heat just right to preserve the fiber. At the same time, you should also limit peeling when eating fruit to preserve the fiber in the skin. Some beans such as soybeans have a rich source of natural fiber in both the seed and the skin, so users are encouraged to use products with whole grain grinding technology to fully preserve the nutrients of natural fiber.
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