Experts and scientists believe that the key issue for the country to enter a new era is institutional reform, streamlining the organization and apparatus of the entire political system; at the same time, it must be done from top to bottom, with determination to be successful.
On the morning of November 15, the Scientific Council of Central Agencies and the Communist Magazine organized the National Scientific Conference on the New Era, the Era of Rising of the Vietnamese Nation - Theoretical and Practical Issues. In his opening speech, Member of the Party Central Committee, Permanent Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department Lai Xuan Mon stated that in recent important speeches and articles, General Secretary To Lam has mentioned the issue of the New Era, the Era of Rising of the Vietnamese Nation.National scientific conference New era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise - Theoretical and practical issues
Photo: Pham Hai
Prof. Dr. Phung Huu Phu, former Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, said that the overarching requirement in creating a new era is to carry out a "double breakthrough". On the one hand, it is necessary to break straight into modernity, into high-tech fields, especially digital technology; into modern national governance to create outstanding development in economy, culture, society, national defense, security, and foreign affairs. On the other hand, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in thoroughly resolving bottlenecks, weaknesses, limitations, and difficulties that are holding back and hindering the country's development. According to Mr. Phu, this double breakthrough process, as General Secretary To Lam identified, is to "take full advantage of opportunities and advantages, push back risks and challenges to bring the country to comprehensive, strong development, breakthrough and take off". Among the historical requirements in the new era, Prof. Dr. Phung Huu Phu emphasized that the most significant breakthrough requirement is "breakthrough in thinking and perception". According to him, it is the breakthrough entering the era of unification, innovation and development (from 1975 to 2025), our Party started with innovation in thinking and perception. It is the breakthrough in theoretical thinking that has opened the path to innovation in all fields, creating great achievements in the past 40 years of innovation. From there, Mr. Phu believes that there needs to be theoretical breakthroughs with a new approach to socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; about the roadmap and steps; about productive forces and production relations and socialist production relations in line with the digital revolution, the digital era; about infrastructure and superstructure in the new era... On that basis, breakthroughs in the development orientation of important fields of the country. Professor, Dr. Phung Huu Phu also emphasized that the new era places the top requirement on improving the leadership and governing capacity of the Party. To do this, there will be a lot of work to do and it must be done resolutely but firmly to have a streamlined, unified, reasonable, transparent, effective and efficient Party apparatus and political system. Along with that, there will be a team of honest, exemplary cadres and Party members who are devoted to the Party and the people. "This is truly a revolution in building and rectifying the Party and the political system in the era of national development," Mr. Phu affirmed.Removing bottlenecks to make breakthroughs in science and technology and building a high-tech production base is considered by the Party and experts to be one of the key issues for the country to enter a new era.
Associate Professor, Dr. Le Minh Thong assessed that the most important issue for the country to enter a new era is institutional reform to create a new institutional system that meets development needs. "We must renew our thinking and enhance our political determination to fundamentally remove the bottlenecks and bottlenecks in the institutional system that are currently hindering development. To do this, there must be efforts and determination from the entire state apparatus and political system," Mr. Thong added on the sidelines of the workshop. Mr. Thong analyzed that the "character" that creates the institution is the political system. Therefore, institutional breakthroughs must first of all be breakthroughs in the place where the institution is born, which is the political system. "Innovation of the political system is the breakthrough that creates development momentum," Mr. Thong stated, emphasizing that innovation of the political system organization and streamlining the apparatus must be considered a real revolution and must be very drastic in order to be successful. Regarding the way to innovate the organization of the political system, the former Assistant to the Chairman of the National Assembly said that the first thing is to innovate the organization of the Party; and the first thing is to overcome the duplication of the apparatus. He recommended that the Party must use the state apparatus as its important advisory tool to streamline the Party apparatus . In addition, it is necessary to study to unify the leadership positions between the Party and the state apparatus according to the principle that in an organization or locality there is only one leader. Regarding the state, Mr. Thong recommended to rethink to shift from "thinking of having power" to "thinking of serving". The state must innovate its thinking, and only do things that society cannot do, the economy cannot do, and businesses cannot do, but cannot take on too much, which will cause too much work and not do it properly. At the same time, the state must also streamline itself based on the universal principle of multi-sectoral and multi-field management. "Not only the Government apparatus but also the administrative apparatus at all levels, all must be based on the principle of multi-sectoral and multi-field to streamline the apparatus," Mr. Thong suggested. Similarly, in the National Assembly, in addition to reorganizing the apparatus according to the above principle, Mr. Thong said that it is necessary to innovate legislative thinking to only make laws within the scope prescribed by the Constitution, respecting the Government's right to make regulations. Localities need to be strongly decentralized and delegated according to the principle: locality decides, locality does, locality is responsible; at the same time, decentralization and delegation are based on specific conditions, not widespread or equal. "If localities are the same, decentralization will not be effective," he said. Mr. Le Minh Thong also emphasized that "this revolution to streamline the apparatus must be done from the top down". Because if agencies propose how to innovate on their own, it will be very difficult. He suggested having a national program and project with strict direction, so that all structures of the system must reform simultaneously. However, according to Associate Professor, Dr. Le Minh Thong, the core of streamlining the apparatus is to improve the quality of the staff and civil servants in the apparatus of the political system. "To do so, we must innovate the work of staff. This is the key because staff is the root of the problem. How can staff be selected in a transparent, competitive manner and truly meet the requirements of the nation's rise?", Mr. Thong emphasized and proposed two specific solutions: innovating elections and publicizing the work of staff. According to him, when transparent and based on the people to do it, the work of staff will overcome the long-standing situation of following the right procedures but not the right people. "Giving staff, party members, and people the right to participate in the selection of staff, we will have a team of staff equal to the task," Mr. Thong affirmed.Era of breakthrough and acceleration development
Photo: Pham Hai
Breakthrough in management and use of economic resources
Removing bottlenecks in science and technology development in the new era
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