How to install Chinese keyboard for computers and phones is necessary for those who study and work in this language. Discover the detailed steps to activate Chinese keyboard on phones and computers in the article below.
How to install Chinese keyboard on phone and computer |
If you are looking for a way to install Chinese keyboard on your phone and computer, please refer to the instructions below.
Install Chinese keyboard on Android operating system quickly
If you are using an Android device, activating the Chinese keyboard is just a few simple steps. After installation, you can type Chinese conveniently with high accuracy.
Step 1: First, go to Settings on your phone, then find "System" and select "Language & Input".
Go to System and select Language & Input |
Step 2: Here, select "Virtual Keyboard" and then click on the default keyboard.
Select Virtual Keyboard |
Step 3: Click on "Language" and select "Add keyboard".
Select Add Keyboard |
Step 4: Click "Chinese (Simplified)", then select "Pinyin" typing method.
Select Pinyin typing style |
How to install Chinese keyboard on IOS operating system simply
With just a few simple steps, you can enable Chinese keyboard on iOS device.
Step 1: Launch Settings, tap "General" and select "Keyboard" to begin setup.
Click Keyboard |
Step 2: Next, click "Add new keyboard" and search for "Chinese (Simplified)".
Select Simplified Chinese |
Step 3: Choose the keyboard type that suits your purpose.
Choose the right keyboard type |
Step 4: Finally, just hold down the globe icon and select "Chinese" to use.
Select Chinese to use |
Instructions for installing Chinese keyboard on computer easily
To install a Chinese keyboard on your computer, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Click the Start button and select "Settings" to continue.
Click on Settings to get started |
Step 2: Next, select "Time & Language".
Click on Time & Language |
Step 3: Click on "Language" and then select "Add a language".
Select Add language |
Step 4: Now, find and select "Chinese", then click "Next".
Find and select Chinese |
Step 5: Uncheck unnecessary items, keep only "Handwriting", then click the "Install" button to complete the installation of Chinese keyboard on the computer.
Click Install to complete |
Above are detailed instructions on how to install a Chinese keyboard for your phone and computer with a few simple steps. If you often use Chinese, set up the appropriate keyboard to improve your work efficiency.
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