In a certain rice field, each cluster has yellow leaves, rotten stems, and other stalks on the same cluster are also not fresh, so wade down and pull up the whole cluster of rice. Then, gently wash and separate each branch. If you do not see any signs of stem borers but only see the entire rice root system rotted black, it is because a harmful microorganism present in the soil has penetrated the root system of the rice plant.
This damage symptom usually appears after the rice plant is a month old and is in the final tillering stage. In the weather conditions of the transition from spring rice to summer rice, the fields are plowed and the organic matter does not decompose in time, combined with the physical condition of each cluster and each clump of rice, creating conditions for microorganisms to invade the root system, causing each stalk on the clump of rice to turn yellow and become less fresh. The roots of the entire clump turn black, if left intact, the entire clump will not continue to grow internodes to form ears and produce flowers later.
Comparing these symptoms with the symptoms of stem borer damage, they are similar in nature, in that they do not produce flowers. But they are different in the phenomenon and method of damage.
When a clump of rice is damaged by stem borers, only the shoots of that clump are damaged (withered) while the sheaths of that clump remain intact. When the roots of the rice clump rot, all the clump sheaths rot, the leaves turn yellow, and some clump even become stunted, making it easy to mistake them for being damaged by black-tailed planthoppers.
This harmful symptom has been and is being called by Micro Bio Au Lac microbiology as rice root rot disease caused by a toxic strain of microorganisms, which specializes in damaging the roots of crops in general and rice in particular. From there, they have found a beneficial strain of microorganisms that antagonize this strain of microorganisms, then isolated and preserved it. When used, in favorable conditions, this strain of microorganisms will multiply extremely quickly and find the toxic strain of microorganisms to destroy, causing the roots of the crop to recover and continue to grow again, grow shoots, and then be harvested.
If the rice field has the above symptoms, farmers are advised to use MicroBio Au Lac biological product. How to use: mix 4 to 5 liters of clean water with 200ml of Micro Bio Au Lac biological product for 360 m2 of rice (1 Northern sao), pour this diluted solution into the field, after 5 to 7 days the rice plant will recover, the roots will grow white again.
Architect NGUYEN HUU VANSource:
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