Wifi error showing exclamation mark often occurs frequently on the phone if you use the device incorrectly.
Sometimes this error is not entirely due to the user but due to a wifi connection error or a network error. When the wifi has an exclamation mark, the Internet will be interrupted, making it impossible for the user to access the network.
Instructions on how to quickly fix the error of wifi showing exclamation mark on the phone. (Illustration).
Why wifi shows exclamation mark on phone
There are many reasons that lead to the phenomenon of wifi network with exclamation mark on the phone. Most of these errors come from the modem or your phone or IP address. It causes your home Internet to temporarily stop connecting.
Some common reasons why wifi shows exclamation marks on phones include:
- There is an IP conflict between the main modem of the network operator and the wifi transmitter.
- Modem plugged in continuously without any downtime (overheating or overloading)
- Too many devices accessing wifi at the same time, causing wifi overload.
- Your phone is infected with a virus.
- Fiber optic or fiber optic line fault.
However, if you know how to handle this error, just a few minutes following the instructions below you can fix this situation.
Turn on/off wifi
First, try turning the wifi off and on again on your phone. This will send a new connection request to the router or wifi access point and should fix the exclamation mark error on your phone.
Restart your phone
If the wifi error showing an exclamation mark on the phone is not caused by the wifi modem, it could also be because your phone is having a temporary problem with not being able to catch the network.
The quickest way to fix this is to restart your phone. After restarting, your phone will run faster and be able to connect to the network better.
Check Wifi settings
Go to "Settings" on your phone, select "Wifi", and make sure the wifi feature is turned on. Check that your phone is connected to the wifi network you want and that there is an exclamation mark on the signal bar.
Turn on forget Wifi network and reconnect
If the problem persists, try forgetting the wifi network and reconnecting from scratch. In the wifi section in "Settings", select the wifi network you are having problems with, then select "Forget network". After forgetting the network, reconnect by entering the password to that wifi again.
Update software regularly
Check to see if your phone has a new software update. This may help fix wifi related errors. If your phone has a hardware problem or more advanced settings related to wifi. In this case, you should take your phone to a store for inspection and repair.
Above are ways to help you fix the problem of wifi showing exclamation mark on your phone. You can refer to and follow these steps if your phone has the above problem.
Khanh Son (synthesis)
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