GĐXH - Pickled cucumber is a popular dish and is loved by many people because the ingredients are easy to buy, the way to make it is simple but very delicious. Let's go to the kitchen in the following article to refer to the recipe for this extremely attractive pickled cucumber dish.
1.3kg baby cucumber, 2 garlic bulbs, 2-3 fresh chili peppers, common spices: brown sugar, salt, fish sauce.
Processing tools: Glass jar, basin, spoon.
How to prepare
Raw material preparation
Wash the cucumber container, then blanch it in boiling water to sterilize it. Rinse the cucumber with cold water. Soak the cucumber in a diluted salt water mixture for about 30 minutes, then drain.
Main ingredients to make simple sweet and salty pickles.
Cut off both ends, cut the cucumber in half lengthwise, use a sharp spoon to scrape out the pulp. Slice the cucumber into small, bite-sized pieces, then peel the garlic, cut off the stem of the fresh chili, and mince.
Pickled cucumber
Put the cucumber in a large bowl with 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of salt. Soak the cucumber for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water 3-4 times. Continue to soak in ice water for about 10-15 minutes to make the cucumber crispier.
After soaking, take the cucumber out and squeeze out the water. Spread the cucumber evenly on a tray and dry it in the sun for about 2 hours.
Soak cucumber in fish sauce
Place the pan on the stove, add 7 tablespoons of fish sauce and 3.5 tablespoons of brown sugar. Turn on the stove and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and thickens, turn off the stove and let cool.
Process of making sweet and sour cucumber pickle.
Put all the dried cucumbers in a glass jar with minced garlic and chili, then pour in the fish sauce mixture, cover tightly and soak for 6 hours.
The best way to eat pickled cucumber
Chop the cucumber and fish sauce into a bowl, mix well with palm sugar in sufficient quantity. Finely chop the fresh chili, add 30gr minced garlic, mix well.
Squeeze some lemon juice for a rich, slightly sour and refreshing taste, soak the cucumber for another 30 minutes and enjoy immediately.
Finished product
The finished pickled cucumber has a cool green color from the cucumber mixed with the red color of fresh chili. The pickled cucumber is sweet and sour, with a little bit of chili, suitable as a dish to relieve the feeling of fullness for a meal full of meat and fish.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/cach-lam-dua-leo-mam-gion-rum-chua-ngot-ai-cung-me-172250313153043728.htm
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