So is there any way to test for lead in cosmetics? The answer is in the article below, don't miss it.
Lead in cosmetics
If the amount of lead exceeds the allowable threshold, it will affect the health and skin of the user.
As a highly toxic heavy metal, it can cause many harmful effects to users, but it is used in the cosmetic industry such as lipstick, body lotion... Lead in cosmetics has the effect of creating adhesion and smoothness for the product when applied to the skin. However, to be safe, the lead content must be below 10ppm.
According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 10ppm of lead in cosmetics is completely harmless to the health of users.
However, in reality, not all products comply with the above regulations, which is the reason why many cases of poisoning when using beauty products. The cosmetics market is very chaotic, besides reputable brands, safe production lines, there are also many types of cheap, fake cosmetics floating around.
In the US, before production, brands must submit their additives to the FDA for approval. After the ingredients are approved, the FDA continues to review information such as how to use and the amount to see if it is safe for consumers. Once all the “barriers” are passed, the brand can start production.
Don't be greedy for cheap and buy fake cosmetics that are floating on the market because they leave serious consequences.
Harmful effects of lead in cosmetics
Lead in cosmetics usually does not affect customers' health immediately, but will slowly penetrate the skin. After a period of use, lead can cause skin darkening, freckles, acne... More seriously, it can cause insomnia, weight loss, headaches... or adversely affect the brain, kidneys...
How to test for lead in cosmetics
Many people use gold rings to check the amount of lead in lipstick.
Using gold to detect cosmetics containing lead: This method is recommended by many people, especially when buying lipstick. Before deciding to spend money, women will apply lipstick on their hand and then use a gold ring to rub it back and forth many times. If the lipstick does not change color, the lipstick does not contain lead. On the contrary, if it changes to a dark color, the amount of lead in the product is quite high.
With just a glass of clean water you can somewhat detect the amount of thread used.
Using water to detect cosmetics containing lead: With this method, cosmetics will be crushed into a fine powder and then stirred into a prepared cup of water. Observing the phenomenon that occurs next, you will somewhat recognize the ingredients used:
If cosmetics stick to the cup, they are used with animal oil.
If the cosmetic floats on the surface of the water, it contains a lot of mineral oil.
If cosmetics settle to the bottom of the cup, it means they contain heavy metals such as lead and mercury.
If the cosmetic dissolves in water, congratulations, you have purchased a safe product.
Trang Anh
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