Starting the day with health news, readers can also read more articles: Symptoms that seem harmless but reveal dangerously high cholesterol levels; Women who want to reduce wrinkles should lift weights ; The best exercises for men over 50 to live longer...
New discovery: This is a good snack for diabetics
New research presented at the American Dietetic Association's annual meeting - Nutrition 2023, has shown how snacking can help control blood sugar better.
Research led by Dr Kate Bermingham, working at King's College London (UK), examined snacking habits to see how this affects health.
The authors looked at data from more than 1,000 participants – from the ZOE Predict study – an ongoing nutrition research programme in the UK.
New research shows how snacking can help control blood sugar better
Accordingly, 95% of the participants had snacking habits, the authors analyzed their diets.
Snacks are given a quality score based on how healthy they are. High-quality snacks include nuts or fruit. Unhealthy, highly processed snacks include candy or cookies.
The researchers also looked at snacking timing and health parameters, including weight, blood sugar, insulin and blood lipid levels.
The results showed that people who ate high-quality snacks were more likely to have better blood lipids and blood sugar levels than those who ate processed snacks. The next content of this article will be on the health page on August 14 .
Seemingly harmless symptoms reveal dangerously high cholesterol levels
High cholesterol is often called the 'silent killer' because it does not cause any symptoms but silently harms the body. By the time the patient shows symptoms, it is already serious.
Some unusual symptoms of high cholesterol can be easily confused with other common health problems.
Too much cholesterol can narrow the blood vessels leading to the ears, causing hearing loss.
People with high cholesterol levels can only know their condition by having a blood test. One symptom of high cholesterol that many people don't expect is hearing loss.
Long-term high cholesterol not only forms plaque in the walls of blood vessels, but can also cause a condition called cholesterol granulomas, also known as cholesterol cysts. Cholesterol granulomas usually appear on the part of the skull adjacent to the middle ear. They are benign, fluid-filled cysts that can be serious if left untreated.
Doctors will diagnose with an MRI scan. The MRI will show that cholesterol granulomas are bulging masses that contain not only fluid but also blood.
Cholesterol plaques and cholesterol granulomas can both narrow the blood vessels that supply blood to the ear, eventually causing hearing loss. The disease progresses slowly and can affect both ears. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on August 14.
Women should lift weights to reduce wrinkles.
If you want younger-looking skin, don't just take care of it — lift weights regularly. A new study has found that lifting weights regularly can help reduce wrinkles in women.
As we age, our skin becomes less elastic and thinner. It begins to produce less natural oils, making it appear rougher. In addition, the fat deposits in the deeper layers of the skin begin to loosen and sag.
Regular weight lifting will help women improve skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.
At the cellular level, skin aging is caused by the weakening of the dermis, the layer between the hypodermis and the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Skin aging is inevitable. However, a new study has found that weight lifting can help slow down the aging process.
In the study, scientists at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, recruited 56 middle-aged volunteers, aged 41 to 59. All were women and sedentary.
They were divided into two groups, who trained twice a week for 30 minutes each time for 16 weeks. However, the first group was asked to do weight lifting exercises using machines that targeted the thighs, biceps, shoulder presses and chest. Meanwhile, the second group did aerobic exercises. Aerobics are exercises that increase the heart rate and breathing, such as running, cycling and swimming. In the study, this group did stationary cycling. Each session was supervised by a professional trainer.
Analysis of the data showed that both types of exercise had a positive effect on the skin. Both groups experienced an increase in skin elasticity, meaning that the skin stretched and recovered faster after being stretched. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
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