Candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room some study materials, Geography Atlas, and computers without word processing function.
According to the regulations for this year's high school graduation exam, the Ministry of Education and Training allows candidates to bring into the exam room pens, pencils, compasses, erasers, rulers, calculators; calculators without text editing functions, without memory cards; and Vietnam Geography Atlas for Geography (without marking or writing any other content).
Compared to last year, this regulation has two new points. First, candidates are no longer allowed to bring any kind of recording device, even if it only has the function of recording information, but cannot be viewed or transmitted.
Second, the Ministry of Education and Training does not specify the list of pocket calculators as in previous years, but only requires that the calculators "do not have word processing functions".
Other items prohibited from being brought into the examination room include: carbon paper, correction pens, alcoholic beverages, weapons, explosives, and documents, devices that transmit and contain information that can be used to cheat on exams.
If they intentionally bring them in, the candidate will be suspended from the exam, which means all their test results will be canceled and they will not be recognized as high school graduates. Last year, 50 students violated the regulations and were suspended from the exam. Of these, 6 students brought and used documents, and 44 others brought and used phones in the exam room.
The 2023 high school graduation exam will take place on June 28-29 with more than one million candidates. Candidates must take three independent tests: Math, Literature, Foreign Language, and two combined tests: Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Civic Education for candidates studying the general education program; or History, Geography for candidates studying the continuing education program).
Last year, the graduation rate was 98.57%.
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