TP - Eliminating early admission and adding a guaranteed entrance threshold for pedagogical majors and health and medicine majors (with practice certificates) are two new points in the draft Regulations on university admissions in 2025 that the Drafting Committee has just adjusted.
TP - Eliminating early admission and adding a guaranteed entrance threshold for pedagogical majors and health and medicine majors (with practice certificates) are two new points in the draft Regulations on university admissions in 2025 that the Drafting Committee has just adjusted.
Increase the rights of disadvantaged candidates
Sharing with reporters, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training), said that the draft admission regulations were posted publicly for wide consultation. Based on the comments, the Drafting Committee will propose to the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training to adjust some points compared to the published draft.
Students enrolling in 2024. Photo: Nghiem Hue |
Specifically, the first adjustment is to eliminate early admission (early admission is understood as admission before candidates know their high school graduation exam scores). Because the admission system is superior, whether early admission or general admission, candidates still put all their wishes on the admission support system of the Ministry of Education and Training. Ms. Thuy emphasized that the concept of early here is in terms of the time to receive admission applications, which means that early admission is eliminated but the university's admission method does not change, and the rights of candidates are still guaranteed. Even without early admission, the rights of candidates who do not have the conditions to participate in separate entrance exams are even more guaranteed.
Thus, with this adjustment, it can be understood that the Ministry of Education and Training only abolishes early admission, while universities still use other admission methods. For example, previously, some schools used the method of considering academic records and foreign language certificates for early admission. With the regulation of abolishing early admission, schools still use these methods, but the admission time is postponed to the general admission time of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The second adjustment is the threshold for ensuring input quality for candidates applying for teacher training and health (with practice certificates). According to the draft, the threshold for ensuring input quality for these two majors is based on the results of 3 years of high school.
Ms. Thuy informed that the Ministry received comments from independent candidates reflecting that there is no chance to return to improve high school academic results to be eligible for admission. Therefore, the Department of Higher Education will add a guaranteed input threshold from the high school graduation exam score so that candidates can choose one of the two, either based on high school academic scores or high school graduation exam scores; not binding both conditions at the same time as in the draft (in addition to the 3-year high school transcript results, there is also the condition of the floor score for the high school graduation exam).
Regarding the admission combinations, Ms. Thuy added that the regulations have technical regulations when building admission combinations for a major or a group of majors. Accordingly, the number of common subjects between the combinations must be 50% or more similar. This regulation aims to limit the situation of "inflation" in the number of admission combinations in a major; requiring schools to offer combinations with core subjects for the training major. For example, in the field of engineering, the core subjects are Math and Physics, and it is not possible to recruit the C00 combination (Literature, History, Geography) as in the recent situation.
Level the playing field
Dr. Le Anh Duc, Head of Training Management Department, National Economics University, supports the policy of eliminating early admission from 2025. In essence, it is to move the admission time to the time of announcing the high school graduation exam results. Thus, in addition to direct admission (according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training for candidates who won national and international prizes), admission methods in the entire system will only be considered after the high school graduation exam results are available. At that time, universities will be very convenient because they will have full information of candidates (graduation exam scores, transcripts, priority subjects and regions), avoiding unfortunate errors in priority regions and priority subjects.
Mr. Ngo Quoc Trinh, Head of Training Department, University of Transport Technology, shared that in previous years, the school considered early admission based on high school transcripts. In this year's draft admission regulations, the Ministry of Education and Training limits the early admission quota to 20%, which is not much for some schools. Mr. Trinh supports the option of eliminating early admission so that schools can focus their resources on the general admission round.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, emphasized: “Removing early admission is to create a safe common playground for all schools. Because in the past, early admission has caused chaos in high schools. When schools compete for early admission, 12th grade students in the second semester do not focus on studying because they already know the university admission results. We do not want the high school level to be disrupted because of competition from universities.”
Representatives of many other universities also support the proposal of the Department of Higher Education to completely eliminate early admission. Early admission only increases pressure on students. Previously, students were only pressured by a single exam, the high school graduation exam, but now students are pressured from grade 10 to prepare for early admission conditions, meeting the specific requirements of each school.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, emphasized: “Removing early admission is to create a safe common playground for all schools. Because in the past, early admission has caused chaos in high schools. When schools compete for early admission, 12th grade students in the second semester do not focus on studying because they already know the university admission results. We do not want the high school level to be disrupted because of competition from universities.”
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