According to the draft Circular regulating the determination of university education enrollment quotas and college enrollment quotas for Early Childhood Education, training institutions (universities) must ensure that the actual number of students recruited for each major, group of majors, level and form of training does not exceed 20% of the announced quota.
According to the draft Circular regulating the determination of university education enrollment quotas and college enrollment quotas for Preschool Education, which is being consulted by the Ministry of Education and Training, enrollment quotas are determined and implemented for each year, according to each industry, industry group, level and training form at the headquarters and each branch, ensuring that they are consistent with the capacity of the training institution, the needs of the labor market, and the socio-economic development requirements of the country and each region and locality.
Cases where enrollment quotas must be determined by major include: Majors in the Teacher Training group; Vietnamese language, literature and culture; Foreign language, literature and culture; and majors training at master's and doctoral levels.
Training institutions shall determine their own enrollment quotas based on the criteria and procedures specified in the Circular and publicly announce them according to current enrollment regulations, except for cases where enrollment quotas are decided by the Ministry of Education and Training, in which case enrollment quotas may only be announced according to the announcement of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Training institutions shall conduct enrollment in accordance with announced quotas, ensuring that the actual number of students recruited for each major, group of majors, level and form of training shall not exceed 20% of the announced quota, and shall not violate the provisions of Article 4 of the Circular.
Candidates taking the 2024 high school graduation exam in Hanoi. Photo: Gia Khiem
Enrollment targets are determined and implemented to ensure that the training scale at the end of the enrollment year (expected and actual) meets the criteria for the ratio of construction floor area for training to the total number of converted full-time students at the headquarters and each branch is not less than 2.8m2. The ratio of converted students to full-time lecturers for each group of majors and each major (in case of having to determine enrollment targets by major) of the training institution is not greater than 40.
Along with that, it is necessary to ensure the criteria on the teaching staff and supporting staff, facilities, technology and learning materials meet the regulations of the training program standards applicable to the industry, group of industries and corresponding training levels. In accordance with the enrollment targets, the training scale approved by the competent authority for joint training programs with foreign countries and training programs and tasks according to the regulations of the Government and the Prime Minister.
The draft Circular stipulates enrollment quotas for international joint training programs, enrollment quotas for joint training at all levels of university education and college level in Early Childhood Education within the training quotas of each industry, group of industries, level and corresponding training form.
Enrollment quotas according to separate methods for joint training at university level for each major, group of majors and training form shall not exceed 20% of the total enrollment quotas of the corresponding major, group of majors and training form.
The Minister of Education and Training considers and decides on the criteria for determining enrollment targets for training programs and majors ordered and assigned training tasks according to regulations of the Government and the Prime Minister.
The draft Circular also stipulates the process of determining enrollment targets and adjusting and supplementing enrollment targets. By December 31st of each year at the latest, training institutions must complete a report on the implementation of enrollment targets for the year on the enrollment target management software system of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The new point of the Draft Circular is that there are two criteria that higher education institutions are not allowed to increase compared to the quota and actual enrollment of the previous year, including: The first-year dropout rate is higher than 15%; the employment rate of graduates is lower than 70%.
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