To match the high school graduation exam from 2025 onwards, many universities have added admission groups with new subjects such as Information Technology, Technology, Economic Education...
From 2025, high school graduation exam candidates will have 2 compulsory subjects: Math, Literature and 2 optional subjects from 9 subjects: Foreign Language, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology, Technology.
The subject selection, in which Information Technology and Technology first appeared in the high school graduation exam, created 36 combinations that can be used for university admission.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade added 5 new combinations, of which 4 are group C: C00 (Literature, History, Geography), C01 (Literature, Math, Physics), C02 (Literature, Math, Chemistry), C14 (Math, Literature, Economic and Legal Education), mainly to enroll students in the law, business administration, and hotel groups.
The University of Economics and Law (Ho Chi Minh City National University) has introduced two new combinations of Mathematics, English, Information Technology and Mathematics, English, Economic and Legal Education. The two new combinations are used to replace the two traditional combinations of A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and D07 (Math, Chemistry, English).
In addition to the four traditional combinations of A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry), A01 (Math, Physics, English), D01 (Math, Literature, English), B00 (Math, Chemistry, Biology), the University of Technology (Vietnam National University, Hanoi) added two combinations with IT subjects: Math, English, IT and Math, Physics, IT.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology added an admission combination called K01 (Math, Literature combined with one of the four subjects Physics/Chemistry/Biology/IT). With this combination, when calculating scores, Math is multiplied by a coefficient of 3, Literature by a coefficient of 1, and the remaining subjects by a coefficient of 2.
Along with adding admission combinations, many large universities also removed combinations that are no longer suitable. National Economics University stopped 5 admission combinations including: B00 (Math, Chemistry, Biology), C03 (Math, Literature, History), C04 (Literature, Math, Geography), D09 (Math, History, English), D10 (Math, Geography, English).
According to the draft university admission regulations for 2025, the subject combination used for admission includes at least 3 subjects suitable to the characteristics and requirements of the training program; of which there must be Math or Literature with the assessment weight accounting for at least 1/3 of the total score. Combinations in the same major must have common subjects accounting for at least 50% of the total score.
Ms. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training), said that the draft university admission regulations for 2025 stipulate that the subject combination used for admission includes at least 3 subjects suitable to the characteristics and requirements of the training program; of which there must be Math or Literature with the assessment weight accounting for at least 1/3 of the total score. Combinations in the same major must have common subjects accounting for at least 50% of the total score.
According to Ms. Thuy, the purpose is for universities not to offer many "strange" admission combinations that are not suitable for a major or group of majors. Note that the weight of common subjects that are similar between the combinations must account for at least 50%. Through that, it can be seen that these are prerequisite subjects that determine the qualities and abilities required of candidates when applying for that major. Not just any subject can be applied for admission in a major.
“For example, the technical training sector applies Literature, History, Geography, Math, Physics, and Chemistry to recruit students, which is not true to the nature of relying on the necessary capacity and qualities for that training sector and field,” Ms. Nguyen Thu Thuy emphasized.
In the past, the selection based on the criteria of each method without comparing and converting equivalence has caused unfairness among candidates. Therefore, the revised regulations increase the responsibility of training institutions in the selection work, and must be thoroughly researched so that there is no longer an unreasonable difference in admission scores between the selection combinations and selection methods without any basis for explanation.
Mr. Ho Van Tuan, a high school teacher in Quang Binh, suggested that the draft of the 2025 enrollment regulations should fix the list of combinations, so that each school can use that as a basis to choose the combination suitable for the industry and training program, avoiding each school creating a new combination, leading to enrollment chaos.
At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate admission methods that do not ensure the quality of the input for the training major of the university; at the same time, the unit is required to explain the selection of subject combinations and competency assessment tests of separate exams used for admission. Thereby, ensuring the basic competency input standards for successful study at the university level.
In a petition sent to the Minister of Education and Training at the end of December 2024, the Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges recommended that the Ministry of Education and Training eliminate admission methods that do not ensure the quality of the training programs of higher education institutions, and at the same time require higher education institutions to explain the selection of subject combinations and competency assessment tests of separate exams used for admission, ensuring basic competency input standards for successful study at university level. In particular, it is necessary to regulate reasonable admission combinations and resolutely eliminate "strange" combinations.
Khanh Huyen
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