The authors stressed that each person should keep a consistent sleep schedule - with regular bedtimes and wake-up times every day, and get enough sleep every night, to reduce the risk of death and help prolong life, according to the Hindustan Times.
What did the study find?
Scientists analyzed data from 1,759 participants who were followed for an average of seven years. There were 176 deaths during the study period.
People with regular sleep schedules and enough sleep have a lower risk of premature death and will therefore live longer.
The results showed that people with regular sleep schedules and enough sleep had a 39% lower risk of early death than those with irregular sleep schedules and insufficient sleep duration, according to Hindustan Times.
This means that people who have a regular sleep schedule and get enough sleep are much more likely to live longer.
Lead author Joon Chung, a researcher at Harvard Medical School (USA), said: This study has found that people who sleep regularly tend to live longer than those who sleep irregularly.
Dr. Chung emphasizes that maintaining regular bedtimes and wake-up times is essential for healthy sleep.
Ideally, bedtime should not differ by more than 1 hour each day.
If sleep were an eight-hour pill, taking the right dose at the right time would be beneficial, he says.
Based on these findings, it is clear that sticking to a regular sleep schedule and getting enough sleep is extremely important, which requires checking your circadian rhythm.
According to Dr. Catherine Darley, a sleep specialist in the US, you can start by standardizing your wake-up and bedtime, even on weekends. Ideally, your bedtime should not differ by more than 1 hour each day, and your wake-up time should also be the same, according to the health website Mbg.
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