The 9th extraordinary session of the 15th National Assembly passed important laws and resolutions.
1. The Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly was promulgated to promptly institutionalize the Party's policy on arranging and streamlining the apparatus, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the operations of the National Assembly agencies and the Office of the National Assembly. The Law amends and supplements 21 articles and abolishes 17 articles of the current Law on Organization of the National Assembly , effective from the date of its approval by the National Assembly ( February 17, 2025), focusing on defining the authority of the National Assembly, the Government and other agencies in the state apparatus; changing the way of regulating the Council of Nationalities, the Committees of the National Assembly and clearly defining the organizational structure of the Council and Committee to ensure convenience for continuing to implement the policy of arranging and streamlining the apparatus, harmonizing the organizational structure with the functions, tasks and powers of the agencies. In addition, the Law also amends and supplements a number of provisions related to the activities of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, National Assembly agencies, agencies under the National Assembly Standing Committee, the National Assembly Office, National Assembly deputies and National Assembly sessions.
Immediately after the Law was passed, the National Assembly passed a Resolution on the organization of the National Assembly's agencies; at the same time, the National Assembly Standing Committee also issued a Resolution on the specific tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Nationalities Council and the National Assembly's Committees, effective from February 18, 2025; at the same time, issued resolutions on the number and approved the list of members of the agencies of the 15th National Assembly, ensuring consistency with the provisions of the Law and consistency, continuity, and no interruption of the agencies' operations.
2. The Law on Government Organization (amended) was promulgated to promptly institutionalize the Party's policies and guidelines on continuing to innovate the organization and operation of the Government; implementing the policy of arranging and streamlining the apparatus of the political system and promoting decentralization and delegation of power; creating an important legal basis to " strengthen the autonomy, proactiveness, creativity, and self-responsibility of agencies, units, and localities associated with enhancing the accountability of leaders and strictly controlling power "...
The Law consists of 05 chapters and 32 articles (2 chapters and 18 articles less than the current Law), effective from March 1, 2025, stipulating a number of outstanding contents such as: (i) Clearly identifying the agencies, organizations and individuals that are decentralized according to the provisions of laws and resolutions of the National Assembly; (ii) Clearly identifying the subjects of decentralization, subjects receiving decentralization and the responsibilities of these subjects; methods of implementing decentralization; (iii) Clearly identifying the subjects of authorization, subjects receiving authorization and the responsibilities of these subjects; methods, contents, scope, duration of authorization and conditions of principle in implementing authorization; (iv) Supplementing regulations on cases where decentralization and delegation lead to changes in the order, procedures, and authority to perform the tasks and powers that are decentralized and delegated, which are currently prescribed in legal documents of their level, the agency or person delegating or delegating shall immediately amend or supplement them or assign the lower level to prescribe them; (v) Supplementing regulations on the tasks and powers of the Government in cases where it is necessary to mobilize resources to implement national target programs and important national projects, and the authority of the Prime Minister to decide to apply urgent measures when necessary for the national interest, to prevent and combat natural disasters and epidemics, and to ensure the lives and property of the People, etc.
3. The Law on Organization of Local Government (amended) was promulgated to fully specify the provisions of the 2013 Constitution and institutionalize the Party's policies and orientations to continue to innovate local government in the direction of promoting decentralization between state agencies at the central and local levels and between local government levels, streamlining the apparatus, operating effectively and efficiently, ensuring the unity and continuity of the state administration from the central to the grassroots level. The Law consists of 07 chapters and 50 articles (reducing 01 chapter and 93 articles compared to the current Law), taking effect from March 1, 2025, amending and supplementing many specific contents on the division of authority, decentralization, delegation, and authorization to ensure conformity with the role and nature of each entity, and clarifying the conditions for ensuring and the mechanism of responsibility in implementing decentralization, decentralization, and delegation; demonstrate the specific tasks and powers of local authorities in a general direction, ensuring a certain distinction in the scope of tasks and powers of local authorities at each level, creating a basis for continuing to specify the tasks and powers of People's Councils and People's Committees at all levels in each field of state management in specialized laws, ensuring the consistency of the legal system and the feasibility, stability and longevity of the Law.
4. The Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents (amended i) was promulgated to promptly remove institutional bottlenecks, continue to perfect the legal framework for the development and operation of a unified, synchronous, transparent, feasible, accessible, effective and efficient system of legal documents , easy to apply in practice, unleash all potentials and resources, create new momentum for the rapid and sustainable development of the country in the new era. The Law consists of 09 chapters, 72 articles (8 chapters, 101 articles less than the current Law), effective from April 1, 2025, including a number of important innovations such as: (i) Continuing to ensure the comprehensive and direct leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam; (ii) Reducing the form of legal documents of People's Councils and People's Committees at the commune level ; (iii) Supplementing the Government's resolution as a legal document and changing the form of the State Auditor General's legal document from a decision to a circular ; (iv) Transferring the authority to decide on the National Assembly's annual legislative program to the National Assembly Standing Committee, separating the policy-making process from the legislative program; (v) Regarding the regulations on the order and procedures for developing and promulgating legal documents of the Government, the Prime Minister and local authorities assign the Government to provide detailed regulations; (vi) In principle, draft laws and resolutions will be considered and approved at a session ; the Government and the agencies submitting the project are responsible to the end for the project submitted by their agencies; (vii) Supplementing regulations on instructions for applying legal documents ...
5. The Resolution regulating the handling of a number of issues related to the reorganization of the state apparatus was issued to promptly institutionalize the Party's policies and the guiding viewpoints of competent authorities on the reorganization and streamlining of the state apparatus, ensuring a legal basis for the entire system of state agencies to continue to operate continuously and normally during and after the process of reorganization of the state apparatus, without interruption of work, without gaps in time, location, and field, minimizing negative impacts and influences on the normal activities of people, businesses, and society. The Resolution consists of 15 articles, regulating issues of principle arising when reorganizing the state apparatus such as: changing the names of agencies, organizations, and units; transfer of functions, tasks, and powers of competent agencies and positions, implementation of administrative procedures, use of documents, papers, seals, inspection, litigation, execution of judgments, responsibility for reviewing and processing documents, information disclosure...
The Resolution takes effect from the date of its approval by the National Assembly. (February 19, 2025); to be implemented until February 28, 2027, except for the provisions in Clause 1, Article 3, Clause 3, Article 4 and Clause 3, Article 11. Based on the actual situation, the Government shall report to the National Assembly for consideration and decision to extend the implementation period of the Resolution if deemed necessary.
6. The National Assembly considered and approved the Resolution on the organization of National Assembly agencies and the Resolution on the number of members of the 15th National Assembly Standing Committee , accordingly:
- Organize 08 agencies of the National Assembly, including: Ethnic Council; Committee on Law and Justice; Committee on Economy and Finance; Committee on National Defense, Security and Foreign Affairs; Committee on Culture and Society; Committee on Science, Technology and Environment; Committee on Delegation Work; Committee on People's Aspirations and Supervision.
- The number of members of the Standing Committee of the 15th National Assembly has 19 members, including: Chairman of the National Assembly, 06 Vice Chairmen of the National Assembly and 12 members.
7. The National Assembly passed a Resolution on the organizational structure of the Government for the 15th National Assembly term and a Resolution on the structure and number of Government members for the 15th National Assembly term , accordingly:
- The Government of the 15th National Assembly term has 14 ministries and 03 ministerial-level agencies, including: Ministry of National Defense; Ministry of Public Security; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Agriculture and Environment; Ministry of Construction; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions; State Bank of Vietnam; Government Inspectorate; Government Office.
- The structure of the number of Government members for the 15th National Assembly term has 25 members, including: Prime Minister; 07 Deputy Prime Ministers; 14 Ministers and 03 Heads of ministerial-level agencies.
8. The National Assembly elected Mr. Vu Hong Thanh, former Chairman of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly and Mr. Le Minh Hoan, former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to hold the position of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly for the 15th National Assembly. The National Assembly approved the Prime Minister's proposal to appoint Mr. Mai Van Chinh, former Head of the Central Committee for Mass Mobilization and Mr. Nguyen Chi Dung, former Minister of Planning and Investment to hold the position of Deputy Prime Minister for the 2021-2026 term. At the same time, the National Assembly also elected 06 Chairmen of the National Assembly Committees (of which, 01 Chairman of the Committee was also elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 15th National Assembly); approved the Prime Minister's proposal to appoint 04 Ministers for the 2021-2026 term. In addition, the National Assembly dismissed 01 member of the Standing Committee of the 15th National Assembly, and approved the dismissal of 02 Ministers from the position of Minister for the 2021-2026 term to take on other assignments.
Personnel work has been carried out strictly, in accordance with Party regulations and State laws, with high consensus and unanimity of National Assembly delegates.
1. Based on the results achieved in 2024, the forecast situation in 2025 and the Government's proposal, the National Assembly discussed and approved the Resolution on supplementing the 2025 Socio-Economic Development Plan with a growth target of 8% or more ; in which, 05 main groups of tasks and solutions were proposed for the Government and relevant agencies to implement, including: (i) Promoting the completion of institutions and laws and improving the effectiveness of law enforcement; (ii) Focusing resources on completing synchronous and modern strategic infrastructure; clearing and effectively using public investment resources; (iii) Focusing on reforming administrative procedures, improving the investment and business environment, creating all conditions to quickly resolve investment procedures, difficulties and obstacles in investment and business activities, encouraging investment of all economic sectors; (iv) Promoting and renewing traditional growth drivers; (v) Strongly promote new growth drivers, develop new and advanced production forces...
2. The National Assembly reviewed and approved the Resolution on piloting a number of special mechanisms and policies to create breakthroughs in the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation in order to urgently institutionalize a number of urgent tasks and solutions in Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo on breakthroughs in the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation, in order to liberate and unblock all resources for development, contributing to accelerating the implementation of tasks to achieve the GDP growth target of 8% or more in 2025 and double-digit growth in the 2026-2030 period.
The Resolution consists of 04 chapters and 17 articles, effective from the date of approval by the National Assembly (February 19, 2025), stipulating special mechanisms and policies on establishing and operating enterprises from the results of scientific research and technological development; accepting risks in scientific research and technological development; allocating funds for scientific research and technological development according to the fund mechanism; allocating expenditures in implementing scientific research and technological development; tax incentives for enterprises and individuals engaged in scientific and technological activities; using the central budget to deploy shared digital platforms and appointing contractors for digital transformation projects; policies on developing international submarine telecommunications cable lines with capital contributions or as investors by Vietnamese telecommunications enterprises; piloting controlled telecommunications services using low-orbit satellite technology; financial support for the construction of the first factory to serve research, training and production of semiconductor chips, etc.
3. The National Assembly reviewed and approved the Resolution on investment policy for the Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong railway construction investment project to implement the Party's policies and orientations, the Resolution and Conclusion of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo on investment in the construction of the Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong railway; creating a premise for the development of the railway industry and supporting industries; creating a construction market worth about 4.4 billion USD, estimated to create about 90,000 jobs during the construction period and about 2,500 long-term jobs during the operation and exploitation process; contributing to reducing traffic accidents, environmental pollution, responding to climate change and contributing to ensuring national defense and security.
The project starts at the cross-border rail junction (Lao Cai province), ends at Lach Huyen station (Hai Phong city); the main line length is about 390.9 km; the branch lines length is about 27.9 km; passes through 09 provinces and centrally-run cities including: Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, Hanoi Capital, Bac Ninh, Hung Yen, Hai Duong and Hai Phong.
The preliminary total investment of the Project is 203,231 billion VND; new investment in the entire single-track line, 1,435 mm gauge; general passenger and cargo transportation; design speed of 160 km/h for the main line from the new Lao Cai station to Nam Hai Phong station, design speed of 120 km/h for the section through the Hanoi city hub area, design speed of 80 km/h for the remaining sections.
4. The National Assembly reviewed and approved the Resolution on Piloting a number of specific and special mechanisms and policies to develop the urban railway network in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to resolve institutional "bottlenecks" in order to contribute to the goal of investing in completing the urban railway network in the two cities, thereby meeting the needs of public transport, contributing to restructuring urban transport methods in a sustainable, harmonious and reasonable manner. The Resolution consists of 11 articles, including some contents such as: (i) The Prime Minister is allowed to decide on the maximum level allocated to each city from the medium-term public investment plan, annually supplementing the central budget with a target for the local budget, as a basis for deciding on investment and implementing investment projects; (ii) Urban railway projects, urban railway projects following the urban development model oriented towards public transport (hereinafter referred to as TOD) are immediately carried out to establish, appraise and decide on project investment without having to carry out procedures to establish, appraise, decide on investment policy and other procedures related to deciding on investment policy according to regulations of relevant laws; (iii) Based on the approved TOD area planning, the People's Committees of the two cities are allowed to decide on the transfer of land use planning targets between projects and works in the TOD area; (iv) Regulations on the exploitation of Group IV minerals and minerals used as common construction materials belonging to Group III minerals according to regulations of the Law on Geology and Minerals; regulations on construction solid waste dumping sites and topsoil of land specialized in growing rice for urban railway projects, urban railway works belonging to urban railway projects following the TOD model...
5. The National Assembly reviewed and approved a Resolution on a number of special mechanisms and policies for investment in the construction of the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project to urgently institutionalize a number of tasks and solutions for implementing the construction of the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project to ensure national energy security, contributing to achieving the target of double-digit economic growth in the coming years, and achieving the target of net zero emissions by 2050.
The Resolution consists of 05 articles, stipulating a number of special mechanisms and policies for investment in the construction of the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project and a number of special mechanisms and policies applicable to Ninh Thuan province to implement the Project, specifically: (i) Simultaneously implementing negotiations with partners in parallel with the process of approving adjustments to the investment policy and approving the investment project ; (ii) Selecting investors and contractors; (iii) Applying technical regulations, standards, norms and instructions proposed by the implementing partner ; (iv) Assigning the Prime Minister to consider and decide on the permission to apply norms and unit prices based on negotiations with the project implementing partner; (v) The investor does not have to carry out procedures to submit to the state ownership representative agency for approval of related contents ; (vi) Not having to carry out procedures to approve the policy of changing the purpose of forest use to another purpose; (vii) It is not necessary to carry out procedures to adjust the national mineral reserve area and the national mineral reserve period, the planning area for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals...
6. In addition, the National Assembly unanimously approved the Resolution on the policy of additional investment in charter capital for the 2024-2026 period of the parent company - Vietnam Expressway Corporation; a number of urgent mechanisms and solutions necessary to implement the project of renovating, repairing, upgrading and building a new Headquarters of the Office of the President.
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